Women are naturally attracted to men who are well groomed, self confident, have a good sense of humor, can carry on a conversation, are sensitive, and have a life (meaning they don't need to take over yours). So if your goal is How to Attract a Woman, then I feel the best thing you can do is to, first, take a good long look at yourself, not just in the mirror, but also inside. You need to figure out what your qualities are, what your good at and what you can improve on.
This can take a little time, but the end result will be well worth it the effort. So below I will list a few steps you can take to turn yourself into a man that will attract more women.
1. There is a lot of truth to "you can't judge a book by its cover", but we all know that we do, first impressions mean a lot. So the first thing you need to do is to make sure your appearance is at it's best. (your social group will have an influence in this as far as how you dress and wear your hair.) Make sure that you are well groomed and that the clothes you wear are clean and in good shape. Nothing is more of a turn off then cruddy teeth and dirty hair and clothes. So take pride in how you look. Get rid of the fuzz on your face, if you do grow a mustache or beard make sure it's well groomed and looks good on you.
2. If all you do is work and play video games, then it's time to expand. It's important to have things besides work (unless your job is totally fascinating) and video games to talk about. Find a hobby to do and join a group associated with that hobby, join a reading club, not only will you be getting involved in something but it's also a great way to meet someone with the same interest that you have. Volunteer for an organization you would like to be involved in, (politics, food programs, etc...) This is also an opportunity to meet someone and at the same time give something back to the community. Plus make for interesting conversation.
3. Take a class in something that you are interested in doing. It could be cooking (women love this), playing a musical instrument, or maybe something that will advance your career.
4. Be sociable. Don't just sit around hanging with the boys, hovering over your t.V. or Computer. Get out! No one will see you if you don't get out!
5. Don't be afraid to approach a woman and open up a conversation with her. Ya know, the accidental bump-into-her does work as long as it's followed up with an apology and a smile. And you can use what ever you doing at the time (at a club, music in the park, art show...etc...) to open up a conversation. Whatever you do Don't hover and be sure to look her in the eye.
6. Look her in the eyes when you talk to her, it shows her that not only are you interested in her, but that you are confident and sure of yourself, two traits that a women loves. Being a little shy is fine, it will bring out her mothers instinct and want to reassure you that you are fine.
7. Like I said earlier, Don't Hover! It will make her feel like she is being stalked and that you are clingy and needy. Continue on with whatever else you are doing, but make sure to search her out with your eyes on occasion and smile.
8. If you do find someone your interested in while your out, find out what her interests are and where she hangs out. Then learn more about her interests so you will be more informed about the subject. And going to where she goes will give you the opportunity to connect with her more. Just don't hang out there all the time. Try to be a little allusive.
Well I hope these tips will help you on How to Attract a Woman.
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This site provides hundreds more articles on how to attract a women. The content on the site is 100% totally free and you have nothing to lose if you are serious about learning how to attract a woman now!
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