Thursday, August 4, 2011

7 Steps On How To Make Up After A Fight

Here are 7 steps I found to be very effective in helping to learn how to make up after a fight. I also found that once we practiced these steps a few times our arguments became fewer, and our understanding of each other better. Give them a

1.   DON'T RUN AWAY FROM THE ARGUMENT.  The first thing you shouldn't do is run away from a fight and not talk about it. This is the worst thing to do. This will only prolong the issues you are having, and any negative feelings you and your mate may be holding on to. If the argument gets too overheated, take a break, go for a walk.  Keep your cool down time to around 20 minutes, that gives you time to calm down and gather your thoughts before discussing the issue at hand.

2.   TRY TO SEND MESSAGES OF LOVE - I know that the last thing on anyone's mind when you are having a disagreement with your partner is to let them know you love them, but that is a very important part of how to make up after a fight. Try to send some kink of signal or message to you partner that even though you are not getting along right now, you still do love and adore them.

3.   DISCUSS THE ISSUES - As soon as tempers have calmed down it is very important to discuss the issues that caused the argument in the first place.  You both need to try and see it from both sides, and to use a little empathy and understanding. Anger has a way of distorting things and making them seem larger then thy are, so being calm will put the issues more in perspective.

4.   COMMUNICATION -  Most arguments happen because the communication between two people might need some help.  Are you listening effectively, are you acknowledging your partner when they share with you how they are feeling about something. The biggest fight can start over the smallest comment.  So try to be aware of how the both of you are communicating with each other.  Accept that you are partly responsible for the fight occurring (remember, it takes two to tango) and discuss ways in which you can fix the issue that is causing the fight.

5.   COMPROMISE - Compromising can be a difficult thing to do, but in relationships it very important to learn how to compromise on any issues you may be having. This will help you to get over any conflict. in fact when you learn how to compromise effectively it will eliminate a lot of the arguments that you would normally have. Compromising on issues does not mean that they are right and you are wrong, it is just allowing them to have their way on a particular subject and in return you will have your way on a different subject-compromise.

6.   LISTENING - I feel this is a very important one.  When a person feels like they aren't being heard, they can feel hurt, not important or valued by their partner.  That can lead to being angry. So while you are discussing the issues that created a fight to begin with, try to listen to your partner.  If either one of you find this difficult to do, getting defensive and interrupting, then make it a rule to allow each partner 5 minutes to express their feeling without being interrupted. while one is talking the other one is listening, not with your ears but with your heart. Take turns doing this until you feel you understand where your partner is coming from.

7.   APOLOGIZE - Apologizing - After you have discussed the issues and have come to some kind of a compromise or understanding, then you need to apologize.  Don't apologize until you have worked out the problem, which will allow you to communicate your feelings better without being distracted.  But apologizing is on of the big steps in how to make up after a fight.  That and a big hug.

Learning to avoid arguments will eliminate the need to make up after a fight
(although that can be fun). You can learn all the steps to avoiding arguments with your partner  Looking for ways to rekindle the relationship with your ex girlfriend?  Yes, we know that breakups happen, in fact they happen all the time.  Unfortunatelly, most people just accept the fact that it's over, when deep down inside they wish that it wasn't.  If they knew that there were things they could do to get their ex girlfriend back, they probably wouldn't give up so easily.  So you are one of the few who aren't willing to just quit.  Good for you!  Below you will find 5 steps you can take to get your ex girlfriend back.

1.   It's very important to still maintain some kind of connection with your ex girlfriend if you want to get her back. So regardless of why you broke up (right now any way) try to make some kind of connection with her.  It could be an email or a text asking how she is, and just basically letting her know that your still around and care.  Now don't go crazy and be a pest, just an occasional email or text will do for now.

2.   Once you have taken the first steps in contacting her, and if she responds, well then you can take the next step. On step 2 your just going to text her or email her a little more often.  Maybe even a phone call if she is willing.  Don't talk about why you two split up, or about any problems.  Just a "Hi, hoW are you doing?" should be enough to get some conversation going.  Try to keep it light, a sense of humor is always good, and letting her know what you have been up to.Once again, don't phone her all the time, just every now and then.  But always leave the option open for her to call you if she needs anything, or to just talk.

3.   Now that the silence has been broken and you are back on talking terms with her, it might be a good time to invite her out with some friends.  Let her know that it isn't a date, just that you do miss her and it would be good to see her. If she isn't ready yet let her know that that's okay, that you understand.  But keep the communication going.  Once she doesn't feel threatened, (her emotions getting stomped on) she will probably love to see you.

4.   During this time of courtship (yes, that's what it is)  Do Not, I repeat,  Do Not go out with other women.  If you really want to get your ex girlfriend back then this is very important.  You can go out with the guys, and do what you would normally do, just no other women.                                                                  
5.   When you do get the opportunity to go somewhere with her, Treat Her Like A Princess!  Treat her like she is beautiful and you adore her.  Show her respect but also show her a good time.  Don't put expectations on her, and don't expect her to go home with you.  Remember, you are trying to get you ex girlfriend back and that can take time.  But if you truly love her, it will be time well spent.

Now that you are back on talking terms
and seeing each other, flirt with her a little. Let her know that you are still interested in her.  I wish you the best.

6 Reasons Why Lovers Leave

Have you recently broken up from a relationship and wondering exactly what it was that broke your relationship up?

Relationships aren't immune from having problems, And if you got into the relationship thinking they are, then you need a wake-up call. Every Relationship has problems, some more then others. Most problems can be worked out, in fact working through problems will make your relationship stronger, and if done right can bring you closer together. But there are 6 reasons why your lover will leave, and these are very specific reasons.  

The 6 reasons why lovers leave a relationship if not avoided will put a strain on the relationship, if not totally destroy it. Below I have listed these 6 mistakes and if any of them are a mistake you or your partner have made, well then, it could take a lot of work to get the relationship backbone even ground or the trust you both had for each other back again.  

These are the reasons lovers leave and relationships break up. You need to try to avoid these 6 mistakes if you want a long, trusting, caring relationship.  

1. CHEATING - Cheating is the most inexcusable, dumbest thing to do to somebody. And yet people do it all the time! I'm sure you know of someone (if not yourself) who has gone through the heartache of their painter cheating on them. It's heartbreaking! Cheating destroys trust and can create a lot of doubt and insecurities in the other person. If there is love in your heart for your partner then Never, Never cheat on them. If you can't control your sexual urges or addiction then be honest with your spouse, and do whatever you need to do to take care of the problem (counseling?) or be kind enough to break it off with your partner and save them from going through all the pain that infidelity can cause.  

2. BEING A CONTROL FREAK - This is another one that can ruin a relationship. Sure, I understand that it's important to let your spouse know where it is your going, who your going with, etc.... But to constantly be harassed by constant calls, texts and accusations is next to unbearable. And It's basically emotional abuse and shoe's not only a lack of love for your spouse, but a lack of self esteem in the person who is doing it. Just don't do this, it's very destructive and hurtful.  

3. No EMOTIONAL SUPPORT - Everybody needs someone to talk to, to lean on, a shoulder to cry on. Someone who takes the time to listen to us and care about what we are feeling. Thats called Emotional Support. And every relationship should put a high priority on it. If you don't provide your spouse with emotional support who will? If they can't go to the one they love and talk to them about how their feeling without being put down or ignored, then more then likely they will go someplace else, plain and simple. So show the one you love that how they feel is important to you, and listen to them.  

4. HOLDING GRUDGES - Have you ever known someone who just won't let things go? For years you hear about so meting that happened years ago, and they are still holding on to the emotion of that incident? Now if it was a happy incident well that can be good, but a lot of people hold on to a small slight, or a mistake someone made, or a old hurt. Don't allow these in your relationship. If you or your spouse are doing this, then you need to stop. Figure out why your still hurt or angry and let it go. Fights in a relationship are normal, they can help clean the air, but don't bring up old stuff during a fight (or any other time if you can help it). You need to stay on track with what it is your not getting along about so that you can resolve that issue. This is not the time to resolve the old ones. This can also be called nagging.  

5. BOREDOM IN THE RELATIONSHIP - Yes, we can reach a stage with our partners where it seems like there is nothing to talk about, and there doesn't seem to be any excitement, where there is boredom in our relationship. And like some people you can internalize it and think that your partner is bored with you or think it's an indication that something in your relations is wrong. This is also a reason some people use to be unfaithful. Well don't let boredom in your relationship destroy the love that you have for each other. Boredom in a relationship is normal, and sometimes will disappear by itself. Just a small phase that will come and go. You can look at it like you are comfortable with each other, and appreciate the quietness, or you can take this opportunity to try and create something new and exciting in your relationship. Whatever you do don't take this phase personal, talk it over and discover new things to do together.  

6. LYING - Lying in my opinion is right up there with cheating. In fact they go hand in hand. But you can also have the person who doesn't cheat lie about everything anyway. Lying destroys trust, and without trust you have no relationship. When a person Lie's it shows their spouse that they have things to hide or that they don't love the other person enough to be truthfully. It also creates doubt. How can anything they say be taken as the truth? When they say "I love you" you doubt it. Lying puts your whole relationship in doubt.  

These are the 6 Reasons Why Lovers Leave ...and most of them should never have a chance to ruin any body's relationship because all 6 of them can be avoided by having just a little loyalty, trust, consideration, and dedication! These are things I'd expect any happy couple to have...without them a relationship just wont make it. And if your responsible for any of these then that is why your lover has left.

There are Pitfalls are in every relationship. The best way to avoid them is to be aware of what they are and then taking the steps necessary not to do them. The Magic Of Making Up teaches you how to avoid the pitfalls in a relationship, and what steps to take is your relationship is in trouble. So if your trying to save your relationship and get it back on even ground the I would urge you to take a look at what TDub Jackson has to offer you, you can't beat it for the price, plus it comes with a 60 day money back guarantee if the methods he teaches you don't work. You can check out his program here. I wish you the best of Luck.