If the trust in your relationship has been broken, don't worry, there are steps you can take to repair it. Trust in a relationship is a very precious thing, and without it your relationship will be filled with doubt, anger, suspicion, and probably more lies. And that's no way to have a relationship with anyone. To trust someone you must first have a realistic viewpoint about people, and the ability to accept failure on occasion. Not everyone is perfect and we all make the mistake of not being completely truthful sometimes. Realizing that and accepting that your spouse might make that mistake also, is a mature and realistic viewpoint to have.
But then on the other hand, there are those times when someone can lie a little too often, or cheat, or deceive us in some way that can totally ruin a relationship. That can make you feel so hurt that you find yourself wondering about trust in a relationship and how do you rebuild it. Hopefully I can help you with repairing the damage done and get back to the love that you deserve in your life.
First, lets look at what trust is. When you trust someone it means that you put confidence in that person to be honest with you, not to abandon you, to be faithful and to do as they say they are going to do. You trust them to care about you and your feelings and what is important to you.
It's also important to know that trust is something that is built over time. It takes time to know that someone is isn't deceiving you, that they are always doing what they say they are doing, that they honestly care for you. It takes time to understand a persons character, needs, motivations and fears. You can read more about building trust in your relationship here.
So how do you rebuild trust in your relationship once it has been broken? I have listed below the steps you can take to start to rebuild the trust in your relationship. It's important for both partners to be on board for this. One person in a relationship cannot rebuild the trust if the other is not willing to try.
1. Agree To Work Together:
It's important that you both agree to work together to repair the damage that has been done. You must Both understand and agree to the following steps. So take the time to read through them, discuss them, and come to some kind of agreement. This will be the start of rebuilding the trust in a relationship.
2. Talk About The Problem:
Communication is very important in a healthy relationship. You both must be willing to use effective communication when dealing with problems in your relationship. The first Biggie is don't blame or accuse! All That will do is create resistance, conflict and more deception. You must try to remember, even when your anger or pain is very active, to focus on how what they did made you feel. Instead of saying "I hate it when you (?????), Your such a (????)" Try saying, "I feel hurt and unloved when your not home", "I feel scared and worried when I don't here from you" Always try to start your sentences with "I Feel" statements rather then "You..." or "It makes..." statements. You want your partner to hear what you have to say, how you feel and to understand your point of view.
This will take some time to get used to if it's not something you already do, so be patient with each other while you are learning. But remember, you want your partner to hear what you have to say, how you feel and to understand your point of view. If your partner isn't being attacked they will be more willing to listen, empathize, and discuss the problem.
3. Explain Why Things Went Wrong:
If rebuilding trust in your relationship is important to you, and you are the one who deceived your spouse, then you need to know how important an explanation is for your behavior. Without a reasonable explanation your spouse will feel out-of-control and it will be very difficult for them to move on. First, it's important to acknowledge your spouses feelings, listen attentively and hear what they are saying and feeling. Don't try to explain your behavior away, or blame your behavior on them. And giving an explanation to quickly will feel false, like there is something you are hiding. So, when your spouse asks for an explanation then that's when you give one. Be honest! If you went out with the girls/guys and didn't say anything to your spouse, then tell them why, but don't forget to start out with what you were feeling - "I didn't want to feel left out", "I felt they would think I was whipped". Were you unfaithful? How about - "I feel you don't have time for me anymore." Remember to focus on the feelings underlying what happened without blaming a partner for what happened (see, talk about problems).
4. Understanding Your Partner's Feelings:
Understanding how our spouse feels is important if you are trying to rebuild trust in a relationship. The lose of trust can be a very painful experience. Your spouse could be feeling hurt, confused, angry and sad. It is important to try and understand each other's point of view - to understand the feelings and emotions. Understanding will help you both to move beyond negative feelings. Try to see the situation from the others point of view and understand why the other person is so upset - "you are really mad and hurt...you have every right to be, I messed up". Basically agree that your spouses feelings are right and let them know that you understand. Understanding why a person is upset will help defuse the situation and make it easier to get through it. Take the time to understand each others feelings, it will benefit your relationship immensely.
5. Apologize:
When rebuilding trust in your relationship it helps to apologize correctly. Yes, there is a correct way! First of all don't apologize to quickly, most people do. Apologizing to quickly when caught doing something wrong only sounds insincere. It only looks like your trying to appease your spouse instead of feeling genuinely sorry. Once again, it's important to first make your spouse feel that you understand how they feel. That you have listened to what it is they have to say. Then just apologize..."I'm sorry I hurt you....I was wrong" You don't need to carry it out, but be sincere.
6. Forgiveness:
Forgiveness and commitment are as important in a healthy relationship as honesty is. Remember, we are all fallible, we all make mistakes. For any relationship to work we must be willing to forgive our spouse for mistakes made. Forgiveness gives you a Chance to start over. If you have both practiced the steps given, then it should be easy to forgive. When you understand what another is feeling then forgiving them just naturally follows. Let them know that you are glad they expressed how they felt, that they apologized, that you understand and forgive them. Once you have forgiven them it's important that you never bring up what they did in a accusing manner. That just shows that you haven't forgiven them and that anything they do will be used against them in the future. There goes honesty! And trust.
7. Promises:
Once trust has been violated in a relationship and the steps above have been made, then the final step is to make a promise agreement. This can be written down and signed by both people, kind of a contract. This is an important step in rebuilding trust in a relationship where the trust has been broken. If followed it will help to rebuild the trust.
This is a promise about future behavior and mutually agreed upon, something that can be accomplished and related to the trust that was broken. If you didn't phone home when you were going to be late, then the promise should be that you will phone home everyday (for a month) when you leave work. Do Not Break these promises that you both agree to, it can do more harm then the original mistake. So make sure that they are reasonable and do-able.
Remember a relationship is only as good as what you put into it. So put your heart into it. Good Luck.
Please check out my other posts on Trust in relationships:
Building Trust In Your Relationship and Trust In A Relationship-Is It Important?
Monday, September 19, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Building Trust In Your Relationship
Building trust in your relationship is vitally important for a long term healthy relationship. So how do you build trust in a relationship and maintain it. Well, hopefully you or your mate aren't compulsive lier's and if that is the case then I would suggest some professional counseling. Otherwise, please read on and we will discuss the important factors to building trust in your relationship.
There are several important rules to maintaining a trusting honest relationship. These tips are great if you are just starting out so be sure to read them, discuss them with your date and make a promise to each other to try to maintain them. If you are in a long term relationship and are having problems with the trust issue then the following tips will give you a clear goal to reach, but you may want to read upcoming articles that will help you and your mate rebuild the trust in your relationship.
The first thing you always want to do in any relationship is to be predictable. Always do what it is you say you are going to do. If you are to be someplace at a particular time, then its important to be there at that time. If you promise to call, then call. It's really not that hard, and no it doesn't mean you are whipped! It shows the person that you care about that you value your relationship with them.
Be honest about how you are feeling. Don't tell your mate that dinner at ??? is fine when you can't stand their food. It will show up in how you act and carry yourself. Just be honest. Let them know how you feel and suggest another place. When we try to hide how we feel then it shows up in other ways, being irritated, cranky, and leaves your mate wondering what it was they did wrong. Just be honest.
Don't keep secrets (unless it for a surprise party for them). Secrets not only create a situation where you will have to tell more lies but they will eventually reveal themselves, and when they do they trust will be broken, plain and simple. Plus keeping secrets creates a lot of anxiety which is really bad for you, so just be truthful.
Saying NO is Okay, so if your mate asks you to do something your are uncomfortable doing or don't enjoy, or just plain don't want to then let them know. There is nothing worse then finding out down the road that your mate really didn't want to do a particular thing for you. I'm sure your response to them would be "Why didn't you tell me you didn't like that?"
That will create some doubt in your relationship, which can spiral out of control. So don't be afraid to say NO.
If your mate asks, be honest about your past. It's fine to let them know that your are not comfortable about opening up about some things, but knowing where you have been and what you have experienced will help them to understand you better. If they react negatively then it's best to know upfront rather then down the line.
In summary, building trust in your relationship will take work, and at times it can be scary. It has a way of opening you up and making yourself vulnerable, but if your relationship is going to be a good one then it needs to start out with a lot of trust and honesty.
There are several important rules to maintaining a trusting honest relationship. These tips are great if you are just starting out so be sure to read them, discuss them with your date and make a promise to each other to try to maintain them. If you are in a long term relationship and are having problems with the trust issue then the following tips will give you a clear goal to reach, but you may want to read upcoming articles that will help you and your mate rebuild the trust in your relationship.
The first thing you always want to do in any relationship is to be predictable. Always do what it is you say you are going to do. If you are to be someplace at a particular time, then its important to be there at that time. If you promise to call, then call. It's really not that hard, and no it doesn't mean you are whipped! It shows the person that you care about that you value your relationship with them.
Be honest about how you are feeling. Don't tell your mate that dinner at ??? is fine when you can't stand their food. It will show up in how you act and carry yourself. Just be honest. Let them know how you feel and suggest another place. When we try to hide how we feel then it shows up in other ways, being irritated, cranky, and leaves your mate wondering what it was they did wrong. Just be honest.
Don't keep secrets (unless it for a surprise party for them). Secrets not only create a situation where you will have to tell more lies but they will eventually reveal themselves, and when they do they trust will be broken, plain and simple. Plus keeping secrets creates a lot of anxiety which is really bad for you, so just be truthful.
Saying NO is Okay, so if your mate asks you to do something your are uncomfortable doing or don't enjoy, or just plain don't want to then let them know. There is nothing worse then finding out down the road that your mate really didn't want to do a particular thing for you. I'm sure your response to them would be "Why didn't you tell me you didn't like that?"
That will create some doubt in your relationship, which can spiral out of control. So don't be afraid to say NO.
If your mate asks, be honest about your past. It's fine to let them know that your are not comfortable about opening up about some things, but knowing where you have been and what you have experienced will help them to understand you better. If they react negatively then it's best to know upfront rather then down the line.
In summary, building trust in your relationship will take work, and at times it can be scary. It has a way of opening you up and making yourself vulnerable, but if your relationship is going to be a good one then it needs to start out with a lot of trust and honesty.
Trust In A Relationship-Is It Important?
Trust in a relationship is a very important aspect of the relationship, for without trust the relationship is doomed. To trust someone is to believe in them, To have no doubt about what they tell you and their actions when you are apart. It is based on honesty, integrity and credibility. It is very important to develop and keep trust in a relationship for once the trust is broken, then the relationship is broken.
Wiki defines trust as: One party (trustor) is willing to rely on the actions of another party (trustee); the situation is directed to the future. In addition, the trustor (voluntarily or forcedly) abandons control over the actions performed by the trustee. As a consequence, the trustor is uncertain about the outcome of the other's actions; he can only develop and evaluate expectations. The uncertainty involves the risk of harm to the trustor if the trustee will not behave as desired.
So let's examine this thing called trust a little closer. As a relationship begins a person believes without much proof what the other is saying and doing, the trust hasn't been broken so there is no reason to doubt. As the relationship grows and two people start depending and relying on each other, the opportunity for trust to be broken becomes larger. We have all heard about little white lies. Well, too many little white lies adds up after awhile. I also believe that the individual integrity of a person and their past hurts will affect their ability to be truthful or to trust their partner.
If a person has been hurt in the past then after awhile they may start doubting the things you tell them. They start having doubts about whether the other person can be trusted. Are they really going to their Mothers? Are they really going to help their friend? The little nagging doubts are constantly in their head, and trying to maintain any kind of trusting relationship with them can prove to be very difficult. It will take a lot of work and Patience on you part to build that trusting relationship.
On the other hand you might be seeing someone who cannot be truthful. A recent study by Jennifer Argo of the University of Alberta showed that people are even more willing to lie to coworkers than they are to strangers."We want to both look good when we are in the company of others (especially people we care about), and we want to protect our self-worth," Argo told LiveScience. "I guess closely tied to this is that people appear to be short-term focused when they decide to deceive someone—save my self-image and self-worth now, but later on if the deceived individual finds out it can have long-term consequences," she said.
"It's tied in with self-esteem," says University of Massachusetts psychologist Robert Feldman. "We find that as soon as people feel that their self-esteem is threatened, they immediately begin to lie at higher levels." Feldman says people should become more aware of the extent to which we tend to lie and that honesty yields more genuine relationships and trust.
So if you are just starting out in a relationship or are in a relationship and have concerns about trust in a relationship then please read my article "Building Trust In Your Relationship". It should help your current situation or give you some useful advice on maintaining trust in a relationship
Wiki defines trust as: One party (trustor) is willing to rely on the actions of another party (trustee); the situation is directed to the future. In addition, the trustor (voluntarily or forcedly) abandons control over the actions performed by the trustee. As a consequence, the trustor is uncertain about the outcome of the other's actions; he can only develop and evaluate expectations. The uncertainty involves the risk of harm to the trustor if the trustee will not behave as desired.
So let's examine this thing called trust a little closer. As a relationship begins a person believes without much proof what the other is saying and doing, the trust hasn't been broken so there is no reason to doubt. As the relationship grows and two people start depending and relying on each other, the opportunity for trust to be broken becomes larger. We have all heard about little white lies. Well, too many little white lies adds up after awhile. I also believe that the individual integrity of a person and their past hurts will affect their ability to be truthful or to trust their partner.
If a person has been hurt in the past then after awhile they may start doubting the things you tell them. They start having doubts about whether the other person can be trusted. Are they really going to their Mothers? Are they really going to help their friend? The little nagging doubts are constantly in their head, and trying to maintain any kind of trusting relationship with them can prove to be very difficult. It will take a lot of work and Patience on you part to build that trusting relationship.
On the other hand you might be seeing someone who cannot be truthful. A recent study by Jennifer Argo of the University of Alberta showed that people are even more willing to lie to coworkers than they are to strangers."We want to both look good when we are in the company of others (especially people we care about), and we want to protect our self-worth," Argo told LiveScience. "I guess closely tied to this is that people appear to be short-term focused when they decide to deceive someone—save my self-image and self-worth now, but later on if the deceived individual finds out it can have long-term consequences," she said.
"It's tied in with self-esteem," says University of Massachusetts psychologist Robert Feldman. "We find that as soon as people feel that their self-esteem is threatened, they immediately begin to lie at higher levels." Feldman says people should become more aware of the extent to which we tend to lie and that honesty yields more genuine relationships and trust.
So if you are just starting out in a relationship or are in a relationship and have concerns about trust in a relationship then please read my article "Building Trust In Your Relationship". It should help your current situation or give you some useful advice on maintaining trust in a relationship
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Surviving a Breakup-Will You Make It Through?
Have you recently broken up with your mate and find that you are going thru a lot of heartache? Surviving a breakup can be a very difficult thing to have to deal with, not only for you but also your ex. You probably find that your emotions are very sensitive right now, and that you are dealing with a lot of different feelings, ranging from a deep sadness to a lot of anger. What you need to realize is that these feeling are very normal, and to make it through this breakup will take a lot of strength and persistence on your part. Although it may feel at this time that you don't have what it takes to make it through, it you follow a little advice, then you will survive this breakup and make it through.
When you are dealing with the overwhelming emotions of surviving a breakup the best thing you can do is to seek out someone you know who has recently been through a breakup and seems to have made it through. I am sure you have friends that have been through what it is you are now going through. Ask them how they survived their breakup, and if they have any tips or advice they can give you. Just knowing that their are other people who have made it through can be a big help.
But let me also give you a few tips on surviving a breakup and how to make it through. First of all I would like to point out that there will be a lot of emotions that you will feel and will need to go through. The first can be denial. Not really believing that your relationship is over. You will also feel anger, fear, and self doubt. The biggest one that I have found is a very deep sadness. This is a sadness that goes to the heart, and people feel this sadness because the dream that they had of a long term happy relationship has ended, and there is no hope of getting it back. It's very difficult to realize that this sadness will eventually go away. But if you follow a few tips it will.
First you need to allow yourself to just feel whatever it is your feeling. If you feel like crying, cry. If you feel like screaming, scream. If you feel like being angry, be angry. Just try to release these emotions either when you are by yourself or with someone who understands and won't take anything personal. A shoulder to cry on is always nice.
You also need to stay completely away from your ex while you are going through the first stages of a breakup. That also means no texts or email. Staying in contact will only make the recovery take longer. So break off all ties.
When you feel you have reached a place within yourself where you are a little bit calmer, then a ritual that works great is what I suggest you do next. Take all the pictures and letters of your ex that you have and burn them. Invite a close friend over and make it a celebration of sorts. This is very significant, it has a way of making your breakup real, and it works, so give it a try. The next thing you will need to do it to return anything you have of your ex'es to them, and retreve anything they may have of yours. This will also makes it final in your mind.
Now it's time to move on. If you need more help on surviving a breakup then please read this article, it will give you some more help on surviving a breakup. And yes, you will make it through.
I wish you all the best.
When you are dealing with the overwhelming emotions of surviving a breakup the best thing you can do is to seek out someone you know who has recently been through a breakup and seems to have made it through. I am sure you have friends that have been through what it is you are now going through. Ask them how they survived their breakup, and if they have any tips or advice they can give you. Just knowing that their are other people who have made it through can be a big help.
But let me also give you a few tips on surviving a breakup and how to make it through. First of all I would like to point out that there will be a lot of emotions that you will feel and will need to go through. The first can be denial. Not really believing that your relationship is over. You will also feel anger, fear, and self doubt. The biggest one that I have found is a very deep sadness. This is a sadness that goes to the heart, and people feel this sadness because the dream that they had of a long term happy relationship has ended, and there is no hope of getting it back. It's very difficult to realize that this sadness will eventually go away. But if you follow a few tips it will.
First you need to allow yourself to just feel whatever it is your feeling. If you feel like crying, cry. If you feel like screaming, scream. If you feel like being angry, be angry. Just try to release these emotions either when you are by yourself or with someone who understands and won't take anything personal. A shoulder to cry on is always nice.
You also need to stay completely away from your ex while you are going through the first stages of a breakup. That also means no texts or email. Staying in contact will only make the recovery take longer. So break off all ties.
When you feel you have reached a place within yourself where you are a little bit calmer, then a ritual that works great is what I suggest you do next. Take all the pictures and letters of your ex that you have and burn them. Invite a close friend over and make it a celebration of sorts. This is very significant, it has a way of making your breakup real, and it works, so give it a try. The next thing you will need to do it to return anything you have of your ex'es to them, and retreve anything they may have of yours. This will also makes it final in your mind.
Now it's time to move on. If you need more help on surviving a breakup then please read this article, it will give you some more help on surviving a breakup. And yes, you will make it through.
I wish you all the best.
Monday, August 15, 2011
How To Attract A Woman

Women are naturally attracted to men who are well groomed, self confident, have a good sense of humor, can carry on a conversation, are sensitive, and have a life (meaning they don't need to take over yours). So if your goal is How to Attract a Woman, then I feel the best thing you can do is to, first, take a good long look at yourself, not just in the mirror, but also inside. You need to figure out what your qualities are, what your good at and what you can improve on.
This can take a little time, but the end result will be well worth it the effort. So below I will list a few steps you can take to turn yourself into a man that will attract more women.
1. There is a lot of truth to "you can't judge a book by its cover", but we all know that we do, first impressions mean a lot. So the first thing you need to do is to make sure your appearance is at it's best. (your social group will have an influence in this as far as how you dress and wear your hair.) Make sure that you are well groomed and that the clothes you wear are clean and in good shape. Nothing is more of a turn off then cruddy teeth and dirty hair and clothes. So take pride in how you look. Get rid of the fuzz on your face, if you do grow a mustache or beard make sure it's well groomed and looks good on you.
2. If all you do is work and play video games, then it's time to expand. It's important to have things besides work (unless your job is totally fascinating) and video games to talk about. Find a hobby to do and join a group associated with that hobby, join a reading club, not only will you be getting involved in something but it's also a great way to meet someone with the same interest that you have. Volunteer for an organization you would like to be involved in, (politics, food programs, etc...) This is also an opportunity to meet someone and at the same time give something back to the community. Plus make for interesting conversation.
3. Take a class in something that you are interested in doing. It could be cooking (women love this), playing a musical instrument, or maybe something that will advance your career.
4. Be sociable. Don't just sit around hanging with the boys, hovering over your t.V. or Computer. Get out! No one will see you if you don't get out!
5. Don't be afraid to approach a woman and open up a conversation with her. Ya know, the accidental bump-into-her does work as long as it's followed up with an apology and a smile. And you can use what ever you doing at the time (at a club, music in the park, art show...etc...) to open up a conversation. Whatever you do Don't hover and be sure to look her in the eye.
6. Look her in the eyes when you talk to her, it shows her that not only are you interested in her, but that you are confident and sure of yourself, two traits that a women loves. Being a little shy is fine, it will bring out her mothers instinct and want to reassure you that you are fine.
7. Like I said earlier, Don't Hover! It will make her feel like she is being stalked and that you are clingy and needy. Continue on with whatever else you are doing, but make sure to search her out with your eyes on occasion and smile.
8. If you do find someone your interested in while your out, find out what her interests are and where she hangs out. Then learn more about her interests so you will be more informed about the subject. And going to where she goes will give you the opportunity to connect with her more. Just don't hang out there all the time. Try to be a little allusive.
Well I hope these tips will help you on How to Attract a Woman.
To get started on your journey on how to attract a women into your life,
I would suggest you take action and visit Here.
This site provides hundreds more articles on how to attract a women. The content on the site is 100% totally free and you have nothing to lose if you are serious about learning how to attract a woman now!
This site provides hundreds more articles on how to attract a women. The content on the site is 100% totally free and you have nothing to lose if you are serious about learning how to attract a woman now!
What Makes Men Fall In Love

If I had to sit down and plan how I was going to act to attract a man then I would probably give up. I mean, if it's something that you need to "act" to do, then eventually the act will disappear and he will be left with the natural you. Fortunately for us "what makes men fall in love" will come natural, especially when you run across a man that triggers your pheromones ( in Greek known as the "excitement carrier") and hopefully you will trigger his.
But there are some interesting data I found on this topic on "What Makes Men Fall In Love?" that I know you will find interesting. So keep on reading, I think you will be surprised to realize that a lot of these things are things that you do naturally.
First of all I discovered that men get butterflies in their stomach too! I would have never guessed! And that they really do desire to find someone to fall in love with. That it's not just all about sex. They have that nesting urge in them as much as women do, to just find that one mate to make a home with and to have children with.
So what attributes do women have that makes a man fall in love? From what I have discovered, men have four basic needs, and if he finds these qualities in you then his desire to be with you increase. I have included them below.
The Need To Protect.
Yes, men are wired to nurture. Nurturing and sheltering you from harm makes him feel like a Man. So, letting him see your vulnerable side will bring him closer to you, it will bring out that instinct to take care of you. So let him take charge on occasion, and be sure to thank him when he does. Here is a list of things that will bring out his superman, and make him feel good.
1. Give him a job to do or ask him for help with something, create opportunities for him to feel needed. And whatever you do don't control the situation, just sit back and let him be the superman.
2. Ask his opinion on so meting and listen. It makes him feel like you value his opinion and his brain.
3. Dress feminine. OK, you don't have to do this all the time, but on occasional it won't hurt. If you like to wear jeans then make sure your underclothing is sexy. Men love soft sexy clothes, they accentuate your feminine nature which ignites his amorous nature. But also on occasion wear his clothes, his shirt at night over you naked body is a real turn-on. His jacket when you get cold. These make him feel like you have chosen him over other guys.
The Need For Freedom
Men need to know that their male identity will still be there when they become attached to a woman. So, it's important that you let him know that you don't expect him to change, that you are not out to fix him. He needs to feel that you understand him and that his identity is safe. Here is a list of other things you can show him to make him feel safe.
1. Turn him down on occasion. It will make him feel more at ease knowing that your life isn't tied around him, that you have your own identity. It will also make him curious, and therefore pursue you more.
2. Share your own fears about commitment, it will make him feel more at ease and that your not out to get him. It will also open up some communication about how you both feel.
3. Change your appearance when you feel like it. Don't ask for his permission or approval. If you want to color your hair or wear a different shade of lipstick, then go for it. This lets him know that there is more then one side to you, which can be exciting.
4. Respect his space. Don't bug him about where he has been or what he does all day. Don't just show up at his door, rummage through his drawers or always checking his cell phone. Allow him his own space. His space is a symbol of independence, so respect it.
5. Appreciate him. Make sure to let him know that you notice the small things he does.
The Need To Shine
Yes, men can be just as insecure as women, even if they don't act it. And they need to know you respect and appreciate them, but they if you can make them feel better about who they are, well that's just a big plus, especially around others. So here are some tips to help you do that
1. Make him laugh. Tease him about the little stupid things he does, or during the little ha ha moments, like when he falls out of bed during sex. Just try to keep things light and he will treasure you.
2. Be social and drag him along. Most men don't have a lot of social graces, so take the lead and be the social butterfly. He will appreciate you for it, in fact, he might take credit for it.
3. Be intellectual with him, take politics, play scrabble, chess. Men love the mental stimulation, and from his lady is twice as good.
4. Act like the grand prize when you are out with him, it will make him feel very manly.
The Need To Feel Comfort
Did you know there is a chemical (oxytocin) that floods the brain that helps develop attachment, or falling in love? And you know what else, you can help to release these chemicals by making him feel like the two of you fit together, that you are comfortable together. So here are some tips that will make him feel comfortable.
1. Let him see you bath, shower, or groom yourself. This will enhance intimacy, something that nobody else has privy to, just him. Make sure you don't do any of the gross stuff, like bleaching your mustache.
2. Cook together. We all know that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but food also spikes the oxytocin levels in him, these chemicals creates good feelings, which he will associate with you.
3. When grocery shopping, buy a few things that he likes, this will make him feel more at home when he comes over.
4. Take little cat naps next to him, or doze off in his arms, he will see you at your most vulnerable and trusting, and make him feel more protective of you.
So, that is what my research has taught me on "What Makes Men Fall in Love?" Basically it all comes down to chemicals and you being a woman and him being a man. But it doesn't hurt to know what makes us tick. Lord knows I could use all the help I can get on trying to figure out what makes men fall in love.
Monday, August 8, 2011
He Dumped Me How Will I Ever Survive
If you are saying "he dumped me. How will I ever survive?" mere words in an article will not give you comfort. It may help to know that while you’ve broken up, you are not a broken person.
When you’ve been in the position that "he dumped me," you have two fears. The first is that you will never recover from the pain. The second is that no one will ever love you again.
Take heart, dear. The fear is real. The pain is real. But, the situation exists in your head, not in the real world. While one part of your life may be over, your life is not over.
You still have friends and family who care about you. In fact, you now have more time to spend with them. Many times, when you get into an involved romantic relationship, we lose touch with the other people who bring meaning to your life. You now have a chance to reconnect with them.
In fact, sharing your loss with them may encourage them to share their break up experiences with you. When you say, "he dumped me," that allows them to be vulnerable about how they've been hurt. You will begin to see that your pain is not unique. You will also be able to see that other people have lived full and complete lives after a break up.
In addition to having more time for others who you care about, you will have more time to work on the issues in your life. Many times, when you are in a relationship, the activities you care about get pushed aside if your boyfriend isn't interested in them. This is a good time to get re-involved in the things that matter to you.
If no particular activity comes to mind, then maybe you need to get a hobby! No, really, when you say "he dumped me," what you tell yourself is that you are worthless. When you take up a new activity and invest in yourself, you prove to yourself that you matter.
There are all kinds of activities you can get involved with. The best thing to do is to join a group, class, or workshop. For instance, joining a hiking club will let you meet lots of people who enjoy the great outdoors. A ballroom dancing class will introduce you to people who enjoy the finer things in life. A writer’s workshop will be filled with creative types.
As you begin to re-engage with the world, you will lose the sense of desperation you felt when he dumped you. You will make new friends who share a common interest. And, you may even meet someone special to spend your time with.
The truth is that you will find someone to date again. Your soul mate is out there.
Your ex may have done you a favor by breaking up with you because now you have a chance to find someone who fits you better.
And, always remember, the best revenge when "he dumped me" is moving on!
When you’ve been in the position that "he dumped me," you have two fears. The first is that you will never recover from the pain. The second is that no one will ever love you again.
Take heart, dear. The fear is real. The pain is real. But, the situation exists in your head, not in the real world. While one part of your life may be over, your life is not over.
You still have friends and family who care about you. In fact, you now have more time to spend with them. Many times, when you get into an involved romantic relationship, we lose touch with the other people who bring meaning to your life. You now have a chance to reconnect with them.
In fact, sharing your loss with them may encourage them to share their break up experiences with you. When you say, "he dumped me," that allows them to be vulnerable about how they've been hurt. You will begin to see that your pain is not unique. You will also be able to see that other people have lived full and complete lives after a break up.
In addition to having more time for others who you care about, you will have more time to work on the issues in your life. Many times, when you are in a relationship, the activities you care about get pushed aside if your boyfriend isn't interested in them. This is a good time to get re-involved in the things that matter to you.
If no particular activity comes to mind, then maybe you need to get a hobby! No, really, when you say "he dumped me," what you tell yourself is that you are worthless. When you take up a new activity and invest in yourself, you prove to yourself that you matter.
There are all kinds of activities you can get involved with. The best thing to do is to join a group, class, or workshop. For instance, joining a hiking club will let you meet lots of people who enjoy the great outdoors. A ballroom dancing class will introduce you to people who enjoy the finer things in life. A writer’s workshop will be filled with creative types.
As you begin to re-engage with the world, you will lose the sense of desperation you felt when he dumped you. You will make new friends who share a common interest. And, you may even meet someone special to spend your time with.
The truth is that you will find someone to date again. Your soul mate is out there.
Your ex may have done you a favor by breaking up with you because now you have a chance to find someone who fits you better.
And, always remember, the best revenge when "he dumped me" is moving on!
Your Boyfriend Broke Up With You - Is It Possible to Get Ex Back
So your boyfriend broke up with you? This is a rough time in your life. You are probably hurting and want to know what caused your boyfriend to leave.
First of all, while you can use this time to look at yourself and where you are in your life, don’t do too much introspection. The truth behind why your boyfriend broke up with you is that he had his own issues. You know what they say, “it’s not you, it’s me".
You can spend time trying to get your ex back. If you are going to go down this route, you need to know the following things:
1· Don’t pester your ex – when your boyfriend broke up with you, it meant that you have more limited access to him. So don’t text him multiple times a day or call him a lot.
2· It’s okay to flirt with other guys in his presence. It may even make him want you back more.
3· When you do get back together for a “trial date” be cheerful and friendly but don’t pressure him for more than he can handle.
But, if you have a feeling in your gut that the relationship is over when your boyfriend broke up with you, then you need to start moving on.
One of the first things you can do after your boyfriend broke up with you is to sit down and write a long letter to him pouring out your heart. You can talk about the goodtimes and bad. You can tell him what a jerk he is and call him all sorts of names.But, don’t mail the letter! Instead, take a candle out and burn it. This is one of the best ways to get closure after a boyfriend leaves.
The next thing you need to do is do a property exchange. Give him back the t-shirtthat you love to sleep in. Get the econ textbook you lent him. If there are things like toothbrushes that are too trivial to exchange, throw them away. Don’thave anything around that reminds you of him. If you have gifts that he gave you, box them up for the time being. If you have any money issues to resolve like debts
to the other or a joint checking account, get them sorted out.
After you have completed the property exchange, agree that you won’t have any communication for 30 days. This may be hard if you are used to seeing each other on a daily basis, but after your boyfriend broke up with you it is necessary to give yourself some space and distance.
It hurts a lot when your boyfriend broke up with you. But it isn’t the end of your life. You can even look at it as a good thing because it means that you are now free to meet your true soul mate.Of course, you shouldn’t jump to the conclusion that just because you’ve gone through a boyfriend break up that all of the doors are firmly shut.
If you think you have a shot of winning him back and that’s something you want, you should by
all means take the opportunity to do so.
True love can even survive. The Magic Of Making Up will help you to either get over
your ex boyfriend or Make Up with him. This time can be very painful so anything you
can do to get your boyfriend back is a must and The Magic Of Making Up will give you a
step-by-step guide. Be sure to get your copy Here.
First of all, while you can use this time to look at yourself and where you are in your life, don’t do too much introspection. The truth behind why your boyfriend broke up with you is that he had his own issues. You know what they say, “it’s not you, it’s me".
You can spend time trying to get your ex back. If you are going to go down this route, you need to know the following things:
1· Don’t pester your ex – when your boyfriend broke up with you, it meant that you have more limited access to him. So don’t text him multiple times a day or call him a lot.
2· It’s okay to flirt with other guys in his presence. It may even make him want you back more.
3· When you do get back together for a “trial date” be cheerful and friendly but don’t pressure him for more than he can handle.
But, if you have a feeling in your gut that the relationship is over when your boyfriend broke up with you, then you need to start moving on.
One of the first things you can do after your boyfriend broke up with you is to sit down and write a long letter to him pouring out your heart. You can talk about the goodtimes and bad. You can tell him what a jerk he is and call him all sorts of names.But, don’t mail the letter! Instead, take a candle out and burn it. This is one of the best ways to get closure after a boyfriend leaves.
The next thing you need to do is do a property exchange. Give him back the t-shirtthat you love to sleep in. Get the econ textbook you lent him. If there are things like toothbrushes that are too trivial to exchange, throw them away. Don’thave anything around that reminds you of him. If you have gifts that he gave you, box them up for the time being. If you have any money issues to resolve like debts
to the other or a joint checking account, get them sorted out.
After you have completed the property exchange, agree that you won’t have any communication for 30 days. This may be hard if you are used to seeing each other on a daily basis, but after your boyfriend broke up with you it is necessary to give yourself some space and distance.
It hurts a lot when your boyfriend broke up with you. But it isn’t the end of your life. You can even look at it as a good thing because it means that you are now free to meet your true soul mate.Of course, you shouldn’t jump to the conclusion that just because you’ve gone through a boyfriend break up that all of the doors are firmly shut.
If you think you have a shot of winning him back and that’s something you want, you should by
all means take the opportunity to do so.
True love can even survive. The Magic Of Making Up will help you to either get over
your ex boyfriend or Make Up with him. This time can be very painful so anything you
can do to get your boyfriend back is a must and The Magic Of Making Up will give you a
step-by-step guide. Be sure to get your copy Here.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
7 Steps On How To Make Up After A Fight
Here are 7 steps I found to be very effective in helping to learn how to make up after a fight. I also found that once we practiced these steps a few times our arguments became fewer, and our understanding of each other better. Give them a
1. DON'T RUN AWAY FROM THE ARGUMENT. The first thing you shouldn't do is run away from a fight and not talk about it. This is the worst thing to do. This will only prolong the issues you are having, and any negative feelings you and your mate may be holding on to. If the argument gets too overheated, take a break, go for a walk. Keep your cool down time to around 20 minutes, that gives you time to calm down and gather your thoughts before discussing the issue at hand.
2. TRY TO SEND MESSAGES OF LOVE - I know that the last thing on anyone's mind when you are having a disagreement with your partner is to let them know you love them, but that is a very important part of how to make up after a fight. Try to send some kink of signal or message to you partner that even though you are not getting along right now, you still do love and adore them.
3. DISCUSS THE ISSUES - As soon as tempers have calmed down it is very important to discuss the issues that caused the argument in the first place. You both need to try and see it from both sides, and to use a little empathy and understanding. Anger has a way of distorting things and making them seem larger then thy are, so being calm will put the issues more in perspective.
4. COMMUNICATION - Most arguments happen because the communication between two people might need some help. Are you listening effectively, are you acknowledging your partner when they share with you how they are feeling about something. The biggest fight can start over the smallest comment. So try to be aware of how the both of you are communicating with each other. Accept that you are partly responsible for the fight occurring (remember, it takes two to tango) and discuss ways in which you can fix the issue that is causing the fight.
5. COMPROMISE - Compromising can be a difficult thing to do, but in relationships it very important to learn how to compromise on any issues you may be having. This will help you to get over any conflict. in fact when you learn how to compromise effectively it will eliminate a lot of the arguments that you would normally have. Compromising on issues does not mean that they are right and you are wrong, it is just allowing them to have their way on a particular subject and in return you will have your way on a different subject-compromise.
6. LISTENING - I feel this is a very important one. When a person feels like they aren't being heard, they can feel hurt, not important or valued by their partner. That can lead to being angry. So while you are discussing the issues that created a fight to begin with, try to listen to your partner. If either one of you find this difficult to do, getting defensive and interrupting, then make it a rule to allow each partner 5 minutes to express their feeling without being interrupted. while one is talking the other one is listening, not with your ears but with your heart. Take turns doing this until you feel you understand where your partner is coming from.
7. APOLOGIZE - Apologizing - After you have discussed the issues and have come to some kind of a compromise or understanding, then you need to apologize. Don't apologize until you have worked out the problem, which will allow you to communicate your feelings better without being distracted. But apologizing is on of the big steps in how to make up after a fight. That and a big hug.
Learning to avoid arguments will eliminate the need to make up after a fight (although that can be fun). You can learn all the steps to avoiding arguments with your partner Looking for ways to rekindle the relationship with your ex girlfriend? Yes, we know that breakups happen, in fact they happen all the time. Unfortunatelly, most people just accept the fact that it's over, when deep down inside they wish that it wasn't. If they knew that there were things they could do to get their ex girlfriend back, they probably wouldn't give up so easily. So you are one of the few who aren't willing to just quit. Good for you! Below you will find 5 steps you can take to get your ex girlfriend back.
1. It's very important to still maintain some kind of connection with your ex girlfriend if you want to get her back. So regardless of why you broke up (right now any way) try to make some kind of connection with her. It could be an email or a text asking how she is, and just basically letting her know that your still around and care. Now don't go crazy and be a pest, just an occasional email or text will do for now.
2. Once you have taken the first steps in contacting her, and if she responds, well then you can take the next step. On step 2 your just going to text her or email her a little more often. Maybe even a phone call if she is willing. Don't talk about why you two split up, or about any problems. Just a "Hi, hoW are you doing?" should be enough to get some conversation going. Try to keep it light, a sense of humor is always good, and letting her know what you have been up to.Once again, don't phone her all the time, just every now and then. But always leave the option open for her to call you if she needs anything, or to just talk.
3. Now that the silence has been broken and you are back on talking terms with her, it might be a good time to invite her out with some friends. Let her know that it isn't a date, just that you do miss her and it would be good to see her. If she isn't ready yet let her know that that's okay, that you understand. But keep the communication going. Once she doesn't feel threatened, (her emotions getting stomped on) she will probably love to see you.
4. During this time of courtship (yes, that's what it is) Do Not, I repeat, Do Not go out with other women. If you really want to get your ex girlfriend back then this is very important. You can go out with the guys, and do what you would normally do, just no other women.
5. When you do get the opportunity to go somewhere with her, Treat Her Like A Princess! Treat her like she is beautiful and you adore her. Show her respect but also show her a good time. Don't put expectations on her, and don't expect her to go home with you. Remember, you are trying to get you ex girlfriend back and that can take time. But if you truly love her, it will be time well spent.
Now that you are back on talking terms and seeing each other, flirt with her a little. Let her know that you are still interested in her. I wish you the best.
1. DON'T RUN AWAY FROM THE ARGUMENT. The first thing you shouldn't do is run away from a fight and not talk about it. This is the worst thing to do. This will only prolong the issues you are having, and any negative feelings you and your mate may be holding on to. If the argument gets too overheated, take a break, go for a walk. Keep your cool down time to around 20 minutes, that gives you time to calm down and gather your thoughts before discussing the issue at hand.
2. TRY TO SEND MESSAGES OF LOVE - I know that the last thing on anyone's mind when you are having a disagreement with your partner is to let them know you love them, but that is a very important part of how to make up after a fight. Try to send some kink of signal or message to you partner that even though you are not getting along right now, you still do love and adore them.
3. DISCUSS THE ISSUES - As soon as tempers have calmed down it is very important to discuss the issues that caused the argument in the first place. You both need to try and see it from both sides, and to use a little empathy and understanding. Anger has a way of distorting things and making them seem larger then thy are, so being calm will put the issues more in perspective.
4. COMMUNICATION - Most arguments happen because the communication between two people might need some help. Are you listening effectively, are you acknowledging your partner when they share with you how they are feeling about something. The biggest fight can start over the smallest comment. So try to be aware of how the both of you are communicating with each other. Accept that you are partly responsible for the fight occurring (remember, it takes two to tango) and discuss ways in which you can fix the issue that is causing the fight.
5. COMPROMISE - Compromising can be a difficult thing to do, but in relationships it very important to learn how to compromise on any issues you may be having. This will help you to get over any conflict. in fact when you learn how to compromise effectively it will eliminate a lot of the arguments that you would normally have. Compromising on issues does not mean that they are right and you are wrong, it is just allowing them to have their way on a particular subject and in return you will have your way on a different subject-compromise.
6. LISTENING - I feel this is a very important one. When a person feels like they aren't being heard, they can feel hurt, not important or valued by their partner. That can lead to being angry. So while you are discussing the issues that created a fight to begin with, try to listen to your partner. If either one of you find this difficult to do, getting defensive and interrupting, then make it a rule to allow each partner 5 minutes to express their feeling without being interrupted. while one is talking the other one is listening, not with your ears but with your heart. Take turns doing this until you feel you understand where your partner is coming from.
7. APOLOGIZE - Apologizing - After you have discussed the issues and have come to some kind of a compromise or understanding, then you need to apologize. Don't apologize until you have worked out the problem, which will allow you to communicate your feelings better without being distracted. But apologizing is on of the big steps in how to make up after a fight. That and a big hug.
Learning to avoid arguments will eliminate the need to make up after a fight (although that can be fun). You can learn all the steps to avoiding arguments with your partner Looking for ways to rekindle the relationship with your ex girlfriend? Yes, we know that breakups happen, in fact they happen all the time. Unfortunatelly, most people just accept the fact that it's over, when deep down inside they wish that it wasn't. If they knew that there were things they could do to get their ex girlfriend back, they probably wouldn't give up so easily. So you are one of the few who aren't willing to just quit. Good for you! Below you will find 5 steps you can take to get your ex girlfriend back.
1. It's very important to still maintain some kind of connection with your ex girlfriend if you want to get her back. So regardless of why you broke up (right now any way) try to make some kind of connection with her. It could be an email or a text asking how she is, and just basically letting her know that your still around and care. Now don't go crazy and be a pest, just an occasional email or text will do for now.
2. Once you have taken the first steps in contacting her, and if she responds, well then you can take the next step. On step 2 your just going to text her or email her a little more often. Maybe even a phone call if she is willing. Don't talk about why you two split up, or about any problems. Just a "Hi, hoW are you doing?" should be enough to get some conversation going. Try to keep it light, a sense of humor is always good, and letting her know what you have been up to.Once again, don't phone her all the time, just every now and then. But always leave the option open for her to call you if she needs anything, or to just talk.
3. Now that the silence has been broken and you are back on talking terms with her, it might be a good time to invite her out with some friends. Let her know that it isn't a date, just that you do miss her and it would be good to see her. If she isn't ready yet let her know that that's okay, that you understand. But keep the communication going. Once she doesn't feel threatened, (her emotions getting stomped on) she will probably love to see you.
4. During this time of courtship (yes, that's what it is) Do Not, I repeat, Do Not go out with other women. If you really want to get your ex girlfriend back then this is very important. You can go out with the guys, and do what you would normally do, just no other women.
5. When you do get the opportunity to go somewhere with her, Treat Her Like A Princess! Treat her like she is beautiful and you adore her. Show her respect but also show her a good time. Don't put expectations on her, and don't expect her to go home with you. Remember, you are trying to get you ex girlfriend back and that can take time. But if you truly love her, it will be time well spent.
Now that you are back on talking terms and seeing each other, flirt with her a little. Let her know that you are still interested in her. I wish you the best.
6 Reasons Why Lovers Leave
Have you recently broken up from a relationship and wondering exactly what it was that broke your relationship up?
Relationships aren't immune from having problems, And if you got into the relationship thinking they are, then you need a wake-up call. Every Relationship has problems, some more then others. Most problems can be worked out, in fact working through problems will make your relationship stronger, and if done right can bring you closer together. But there are 6 reasons why your lover will leave, and these are very specific reasons.
The 6 reasons why lovers leave a relationship if not avoided will put a strain on the relationship, if not totally destroy it. Below I have listed these 6 mistakes and if any of them are a mistake you or your partner have made, well then, it could take a lot of work to get the relationship backbone even ground or the trust you both had for each other back again.
These are the reasons lovers leave and relationships break up. You need to try to avoid these 6 mistakes if you want a long, trusting, caring relationship.
1. CHEATING - Cheating is the most inexcusable, dumbest thing to do to somebody. And yet people do it all the time! I'm sure you know of someone (if not yourself) who has gone through the heartache of their painter cheating on them. It's heartbreaking! Cheating destroys trust and can create a lot of doubt and insecurities in the other person. If there is love in your heart for your partner then Never, Never cheat on them. If you can't control your sexual urges or addiction then be honest with your spouse, and do whatever you need to do to take care of the problem (counseling?) or be kind enough to break it off with your partner and save them from going through all the pain that infidelity can cause.
2. BEING A CONTROL FREAK - This is another one that can ruin a relationship. Sure, I understand that it's important to let your spouse know where it is your going, who your going with, etc.... But to constantly be harassed by constant calls, texts and accusations is next to unbearable. And It's basically emotional abuse and shoe's not only a lack of love for your spouse, but a lack of self esteem in the person who is doing it. Just don't do this, it's very destructive and hurtful.
3. No EMOTIONAL SUPPORT - Everybody needs someone to talk to, to lean on, a shoulder to cry on. Someone who takes the time to listen to us and care about what we are feeling. Thats called Emotional Support. And every relationship should put a high priority on it. If you don't provide your spouse with emotional support who will? If they can't go to the one they love and talk to them about how their feeling without being put down or ignored, then more then likely they will go someplace else, plain and simple. So show the one you love that how they feel is important to you, and listen to them.
4. HOLDING GRUDGES - Have you ever known someone who just won't let things go? For years you hear about so meting that happened years ago, and they are still holding on to the emotion of that incident? Now if it was a happy incident well that can be good, but a lot of people hold on to a small slight, or a mistake someone made, or a old hurt. Don't allow these in your relationship. If you or your spouse are doing this, then you need to stop. Figure out why your still hurt or angry and let it go. Fights in a relationship are normal, they can help clean the air, but don't bring up old stuff during a fight (or any other time if you can help it). You need to stay on track with what it is your not getting along about so that you can resolve that issue. This is not the time to resolve the old ones. This can also be called nagging.
5. BOREDOM IN THE RELATIONSHIP - Yes, we can reach a stage with our partners where it seems like there is nothing to talk about, and there doesn't seem to be any excitement, where there is boredom in our relationship. And like some people you can internalize it and think that your partner is bored with you or think it's an indication that something in your relations is wrong. This is also a reason some people use to be unfaithful. Well don't let boredom in your relationship destroy the love that you have for each other. Boredom in a relationship is normal, and sometimes will disappear by itself. Just a small phase that will come and go. You can look at it like you are comfortable with each other, and appreciate the quietness, or you can take this opportunity to try and create something new and exciting in your relationship. Whatever you do don't take this phase personal, talk it over and discover new things to do together.
6. LYING - Lying in my opinion is right up there with cheating. In fact they go hand in hand. But you can also have the person who doesn't cheat lie about everything anyway. Lying destroys trust, and without trust you have no relationship. When a person Lie's it shows their spouse that they have things to hide or that they don't love the other person enough to be truthfully. It also creates doubt. How can anything they say be taken as the truth? When they say "I love you" you doubt it. Lying puts your whole relationship in doubt.
These are the 6 Reasons Why Lovers Leave ...and most of them should never have a chance to ruin any body's relationship because all 6 of them can be avoided by having just a little loyalty, trust, consideration, and dedication! These are things I'd expect any happy couple to have...without them a relationship just wont make it. And if your responsible for any of these then that is why your lover has left.
There are Pitfalls are in every relationship. The best way to avoid them is to be aware of what they are and then taking the steps necessary not to do them. The Magic Of Making Up teaches you how to avoid the pitfalls in a relationship, and what steps to take is your relationship is in trouble. So if your trying to save your relationship and get it back on even ground the I would urge you to take a look at what TDub Jackson has to offer you, you can't beat it for the price, plus it comes with a 60 day money back guarantee if the methods he teaches you don't work. You can check out his program here. I wish you the best of Luck.
Relationships aren't immune from having problems, And if you got into the relationship thinking they are, then you need a wake-up call. Every Relationship has problems, some more then others. Most problems can be worked out, in fact working through problems will make your relationship stronger, and if done right can bring you closer together. But there are 6 reasons why your lover will leave, and these are very specific reasons.
The 6 reasons why lovers leave a relationship if not avoided will put a strain on the relationship, if not totally destroy it. Below I have listed these 6 mistakes and if any of them are a mistake you or your partner have made, well then, it could take a lot of work to get the relationship backbone even ground or the trust you both had for each other back again.
These are the reasons lovers leave and relationships break up. You need to try to avoid these 6 mistakes if you want a long, trusting, caring relationship.
1. CHEATING - Cheating is the most inexcusable, dumbest thing to do to somebody. And yet people do it all the time! I'm sure you know of someone (if not yourself) who has gone through the heartache of their painter cheating on them. It's heartbreaking! Cheating destroys trust and can create a lot of doubt and insecurities in the other person. If there is love in your heart for your partner then Never, Never cheat on them. If you can't control your sexual urges or addiction then be honest with your spouse, and do whatever you need to do to take care of the problem (counseling?) or be kind enough to break it off with your partner and save them from going through all the pain that infidelity can cause.
2. BEING A CONTROL FREAK - This is another one that can ruin a relationship. Sure, I understand that it's important to let your spouse know where it is your going, who your going with, etc.... But to constantly be harassed by constant calls, texts and accusations is next to unbearable. And It's basically emotional abuse and shoe's not only a lack of love for your spouse, but a lack of self esteem in the person who is doing it. Just don't do this, it's very destructive and hurtful.
3. No EMOTIONAL SUPPORT - Everybody needs someone to talk to, to lean on, a shoulder to cry on. Someone who takes the time to listen to us and care about what we are feeling. Thats called Emotional Support. And every relationship should put a high priority on it. If you don't provide your spouse with emotional support who will? If they can't go to the one they love and talk to them about how their feeling without being put down or ignored, then more then likely they will go someplace else, plain and simple. So show the one you love that how they feel is important to you, and listen to them.
4. HOLDING GRUDGES - Have you ever known someone who just won't let things go? For years you hear about so meting that happened years ago, and they are still holding on to the emotion of that incident? Now if it was a happy incident well that can be good, but a lot of people hold on to a small slight, or a mistake someone made, or a old hurt. Don't allow these in your relationship. If you or your spouse are doing this, then you need to stop. Figure out why your still hurt or angry and let it go. Fights in a relationship are normal, they can help clean the air, but don't bring up old stuff during a fight (or any other time if you can help it). You need to stay on track with what it is your not getting along about so that you can resolve that issue. This is not the time to resolve the old ones. This can also be called nagging.
5. BOREDOM IN THE RELATIONSHIP - Yes, we can reach a stage with our partners where it seems like there is nothing to talk about, and there doesn't seem to be any excitement, where there is boredom in our relationship. And like some people you can internalize it and think that your partner is bored with you or think it's an indication that something in your relations is wrong. This is also a reason some people use to be unfaithful. Well don't let boredom in your relationship destroy the love that you have for each other. Boredom in a relationship is normal, and sometimes will disappear by itself. Just a small phase that will come and go. You can look at it like you are comfortable with each other, and appreciate the quietness, or you can take this opportunity to try and create something new and exciting in your relationship. Whatever you do don't take this phase personal, talk it over and discover new things to do together.
6. LYING - Lying in my opinion is right up there with cheating. In fact they go hand in hand. But you can also have the person who doesn't cheat lie about everything anyway. Lying destroys trust, and without trust you have no relationship. When a person Lie's it shows their spouse that they have things to hide or that they don't love the other person enough to be truthfully. It also creates doubt. How can anything they say be taken as the truth? When they say "I love you" you doubt it. Lying puts your whole relationship in doubt.
These are the 6 Reasons Why Lovers Leave ...and most of them should never have a chance to ruin any body's relationship because all 6 of them can be avoided by having just a little loyalty, trust, consideration, and dedication! These are things I'd expect any happy couple to have...without them a relationship just wont make it. And if your responsible for any of these then that is why your lover has left.
There are Pitfalls are in every relationship. The best way to avoid them is to be aware of what they are and then taking the steps necessary not to do them. The Magic Of Making Up teaches you how to avoid the pitfalls in a relationship, and what steps to take is your relationship is in trouble. So if your trying to save your relationship and get it back on even ground the I would urge you to take a look at what TDub Jackson has to offer you, you can't beat it for the price, plus it comes with a 60 day money back guarantee if the methods he teaches you don't work. You can check out his program here. I wish you the best of Luck.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
A Few Tips On How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back
Have you had a recent breakup and everything you do seems to push you ex further away? Do you need some "tips on how to get your Ex boyfriend back? Well you have come to the right place. Here are some tips that will improve your chances of getting your ex boyfriend back, and hopefully you will learn a few tricks to keep him.
Sometimes after a breakup we have a tendency to feel desperate, and start doing all the wrong things to get back with the one we love. We phone all the time, email them constantly, and send imploring text messages. This is definitely the wrong way to Get your ex boyfriend back. In fact it's human nature to resist this kind of pressure, and fighting against human nature is pointless. It will only make matters worse. So if this is something you are doing, STOP! Stop begging and harassing him to take you back, it will only push him further away.
So what can you do? Here are a few tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back.
1. The first most important step is to start thinking about you, not the you without the boyfriend, but the you who isn't desperate. The you you are when you are content. Take a breather and look at all the things you have in your life, and what else you would like to have. Reconnect with yourself.
2. Pamper yourself! Go get that pedicure, get your hair styled, go to a spa, get that message. Take a long hot bubble bath with candles and a good book.
3. Reconnect with all those girlfriends you neglected when you were with your ex boyfriend. Don't talk about him, and how he left, instead talk about all the things that make you feel good.
4. Have a girls night out. Nothing beats hanging with a bunch of friends. Keep it light, don't go home with and one, just have a good time.
5. Join a gem, or some other activity that you have been wanting to join. Maybe a dancing class, acting class, the choices are endless.
Well I hope these suggestions help. Whats most important is you, and you are just fine by yourself. But also not chasing him around will make him wonder what you are up to. He will see you as a capable human being, interesting, and fine without him, which will make him start coming around again.
So my last tip to get your ex boyfriend back is to work with human nature rather than attempting to work against it.
Once you use these "tips to get your ex boyfriend back" you can restore a balance and allow your ex to remember why he loved you in the first place. Just keep yourself grounded and avoid smothering him. Make yourself appear mysterious and he will remember why he loved you in the first place. Play hard to get (don't over do it) and let him make the first move, and you will come out on top.
I wish you the best!
Sometimes after a breakup we have a tendency to feel desperate, and start doing all the wrong things to get back with the one we love. We phone all the time, email them constantly, and send imploring text messages. This is definitely the wrong way to Get your ex boyfriend back. In fact it's human nature to resist this kind of pressure, and fighting against human nature is pointless. It will only make matters worse. So if this is something you are doing, STOP! Stop begging and harassing him to take you back, it will only push him further away.
So what can you do? Here are a few tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back.
1. The first most important step is to start thinking about you, not the you without the boyfriend, but the you who isn't desperate. The you you are when you are content. Take a breather and look at all the things you have in your life, and what else you would like to have. Reconnect with yourself.
2. Pamper yourself! Go get that pedicure, get your hair styled, go to a spa, get that message. Take a long hot bubble bath with candles and a good book.
3. Reconnect with all those girlfriends you neglected when you were with your ex boyfriend. Don't talk about him, and how he left, instead talk about all the things that make you feel good.
4. Have a girls night out. Nothing beats hanging with a bunch of friends. Keep it light, don't go home with and one, just have a good time.
5. Join a gem, or some other activity that you have been wanting to join. Maybe a dancing class, acting class, the choices are endless.
Well I hope these suggestions help. Whats most important is you, and you are just fine by yourself. But also not chasing him around will make him wonder what you are up to. He will see you as a capable human being, interesting, and fine without him, which will make him start coming around again.
So my last tip to get your ex boyfriend back is to work with human nature rather than attempting to work against it.
Once you use these "tips to get your ex boyfriend back" you can restore a balance and allow your ex to remember why he loved you in the first place. Just keep yourself grounded and avoid smothering him. Make yourself appear mysterious and he will remember why he loved you in the first place. Play hard to get (don't over do it) and let him make the first move, and you will come out on top.
I wish you the best!
Getting A Girlfriend And Keeping Her Happy
First I would like to share with you a little advice on what really attracts a woman to a man. Bet you can't guess! No, it's not always good looks. Yes, women almost always look at a good looking man, pretty natural if you ask me. But looks aren't what keeps a woman, especially if he is a jerk. And No, it's not money, although that is a plus, but rich guys can have attitude and be jerks too. So what is it that most woman are really attracted to in a man?
It's Self Confidence.
When a man is confident about who he, well then, he is just sexy! And that is more attractive to women then money or good looks. So that would be your first step to get a girlfriend and keep her happy.
So that would be your first step to get a girlfriend and keep her happy. You need to be confident about who you are, and hopefully you are a great guy with a big heart, a good sense of humor, intelligent, and fun. Please, don't be a confident jerk, that's a real turn off. You must have some good qualities, and if you don't, well then that would be the first thing to work on.
The Second thing you would need to do to get a girlfriend and keep her happy is to appreciate her. Simple. (See we're not so complicated!) Don't ever take her for granted. So how do you show a woman that you appreciate her? Do all the little things that most men overlook. Below I give you a list of little things that you can do for a woman. Even if you are currently not dating her, but would like to, then start doing these things and I'm sure that before long she would love to go out with you.
So Here is a list of little things you can do to make her happy and feel appreciated:
1. Send her a card (through the mail) for no particular reason, just something to let her know that you were thinking of her. If your not dating yet then avoid the mushier ones, send her a humerus one instead.
2. Offer to help her out with something she seems to either have no time to do, or doesn't know how to do. Like mow her lawn, get her oil changed, fix her leaky faucet. If your not sure what it is she might need help with, well then your not really listening to her when you do talk. Women have a great way of sharing things that they want done or need to do. Keep your ears open or ask.
3. Show an interest in her and her life. Ask questions if you don't know what's going on in her world. Women love a sensitive man who is interested in her life.
4. Make her laugh. Laughing is so uplifting and can make the day to day drudgery so much easier. I have gone out with men just because they are fun to be with and make me laugh. Give it a try, don't always be serious.
5. If you are lucky enough to go out with her, don't rush things. Show her a good time with no pressure to re-pay you. If she can just enjoy herself and have fun with you, then she will continue to go out with you.
6. Get her those little things that she enjoys. Tootsie rolls, ice cream, pay attention and you will know what they are, then when you see her make sure you have one of her favorite things to give her. Lot's of points here!
7. Do not look at other women when you are with her, this is a big one! That will only make her wonder about herself, is she not good enough? Not pretty enough? Plus it shows her no respect. When you are out with her, she should be your world, plain and simple.
8. Do not put the guys before her! Another big one. She feels that if your interested in her, then you would much rather spend time with her, not the guys. You have plenty of time to hang with the guys when you are not with her. So when you are with her, once again, make her your world.
So these are tips on how to get a girlfriend and keep her happy. Once she is your girlfriend you need to continue these things or you will lose her. So try to incorporate the attributes into your personality, then the confidence you feel will be natural.
Still need help in feeling more confident around women and getting over the fear of rejection then you need to get the Free Guide "End Of Rejection" which will help you with your fear and hesitation around women.
Be sure to sign up for it Here.
It's Self Confidence.
When a man is confident about who he, well then, he is just sexy! And that is more attractive to women then money or good looks. So that would be your first step to get a girlfriend and keep her happy.
So that would be your first step to get a girlfriend and keep her happy. You need to be confident about who you are, and hopefully you are a great guy with a big heart, a good sense of humor, intelligent, and fun. Please, don't be a confident jerk, that's a real turn off. You must have some good qualities, and if you don't, well then that would be the first thing to work on.
The Second thing you would need to do to get a girlfriend and keep her happy is to appreciate her. Simple. (See we're not so complicated!) Don't ever take her for granted. So how do you show a woman that you appreciate her? Do all the little things that most men overlook. Below I give you a list of little things that you can do for a woman. Even if you are currently not dating her, but would like to, then start doing these things and I'm sure that before long she would love to go out with you.
So Here is a list of little things you can do to make her happy and feel appreciated:
1. Send her a card (through the mail) for no particular reason, just something to let her know that you were thinking of her. If your not dating yet then avoid the mushier ones, send her a humerus one instead.
2. Offer to help her out with something she seems to either have no time to do, or doesn't know how to do. Like mow her lawn, get her oil changed, fix her leaky faucet. If your not sure what it is she might need help with, well then your not really listening to her when you do talk. Women have a great way of sharing things that they want done or need to do. Keep your ears open or ask.
3. Show an interest in her and her life. Ask questions if you don't know what's going on in her world. Women love a sensitive man who is interested in her life.
4. Make her laugh. Laughing is so uplifting and can make the day to day drudgery so much easier. I have gone out with men just because they are fun to be with and make me laugh. Give it a try, don't always be serious.
5. If you are lucky enough to go out with her, don't rush things. Show her a good time with no pressure to re-pay you. If she can just enjoy herself and have fun with you, then she will continue to go out with you.
6. Get her those little things that she enjoys. Tootsie rolls, ice cream, pay attention and you will know what they are, then when you see her make sure you have one of her favorite things to give her. Lot's of points here!
7. Do not look at other women when you are with her, this is a big one! That will only make her wonder about herself, is she not good enough? Not pretty enough? Plus it shows her no respect. When you are out with her, she should be your world, plain and simple.
8. Do not put the guys before her! Another big one. She feels that if your interested in her, then you would much rather spend time with her, not the guys. You have plenty of time to hang with the guys when you are not with her. So when you are with her, once again, make her your world.
So these are tips on how to get a girlfriend and keep her happy. Once she is your girlfriend you need to continue these things or you will lose her. So try to incorporate the attributes into your personality, then the confidence you feel will be natural.

Be sure to sign up for it Here.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Getting Past Infidelity - How to Trust My Girlfriend After She Cheated .
Getting Past infidelity can be a very tough challenge, and "how to trust my girlfriend after she cheated" is even tougher.
Both of them will take a lot of inner searching and communication between the two of you. Cheating in or on a relationship, weather it is your boyfriend or girlfriend, destroys any trust that you both had in your relationship.
Most men rely heavily on their pride and their masculinity, and when a woman cheats, he can feel emasculated and insecure about himself. It can be very hard for a men to move forward and to forgive a woman who has strayed from the relationship, regardless of what the circumstances were. So the big challenge here is First - Do you want to continue this relationship?.. and Second... How do you regain the trust.
So let's tackle the first one...Do you want to continue this relationship? You need to really search inside for the answer, But here are a few things you might want to look at and consider:
* How long have you been in this relationship. If it is a reasonably new relationship, then this could be a warning as to how your girlfriend really is. If you two have been together for quite a while, then trying to work things out could be worth it.
* Has the basis of your relationship been good. If trust and faithfulness has not been an issue before, and your relationship has been a strong one, then you need to explore why your girlfriend cheated on you. Women cheat for a lot of different reasons then men. And trying to explore the issues behind her cheating can strengthen you relationship, if you let it.
* Is your self image and inner strength strong enough to completely forgive and try to understand why she cheated on you.Your relationship with your girlfriend is over if you can't forgive her. That means never bringing this up down the road when you get upset with her, and trusting her to do whats right when your not around each other. A cheating girlfriend can create a lot of doubt about yourself. Don't let it, know that why she cheated had nothing to do with you as an individual. So try not to internalize it. Step up, find out why it happened, then do what you can to resolve the problems that created it to begin with.
So how do you regain the trust? That's part of getting past infidelity & how to trust your girlfriend after she cheated.
* Women cheat for a variety of reasons. Not feeling loved, not sexually satisfied, feeling like she is being ignored or taken advantage of. Not feeling needed or wanted or sexy. So your first step is to find out why she cheated. Was it any of the reasons above? Then you can solve those issues by finding out what it is you can do to make her feel better and then do them.
* Or maybe she cheated innocently, drank too much and things just happened. If she came to you and admitted she made a mistake and apologizes, then that could mean that it wasn't intended, and it might not have been anything wrong in your relationship with her. It still will leave an affect on you trusting her, and will need to be talked about.
* Forgiving someone who broke you heart is very difficult and trust can take awhile to rebuild. You will need to discuss this with your girlfriend. Let her know how you feel without getting angry and over emotional. Then you will need to sit down together, find out what you can do to improve your relationship. She needs to know that you will feel insecure for awhile. Just remember to give it time, learning to trust your girlfriend is not going to happen overnight. And make sure it is something you really want and take it one day at a time. You will need to be committed to the process and to the relationship. And make sure you do it because you feel it is right for you, not for anyone else.
* If you feel this is something you can't do on your own, then find a therapist or get counseling through your church. Sometimes having someone else there can help you to see things a little clearer. They also provide you with the support and tools you will need to re-establish the trust in your relationship.
Ultimately, You need to explore your relationship if your goal is Getting Past Infidelity - How to Trust My Girlfriend After She Cheated, then you need to follow your heart. If you believe that she deserves a second chance and that you can really give her one, then by all means try to save your relationship. However, if you know deep down that you will never be able to forgive her, then you need to move on from the relationship.
Both of them will take a lot of inner searching and communication between the two of you. Cheating in or on a relationship, weather it is your boyfriend or girlfriend, destroys any trust that you both had in your relationship.
Most men rely heavily on their pride and their masculinity, and when a woman cheats, he can feel emasculated and insecure about himself. It can be very hard for a men to move forward and to forgive a woman who has strayed from the relationship, regardless of what the circumstances were. So the big challenge here is First - Do you want to continue this relationship?.. and Second... How do you regain the trust.
So let's tackle the first one...Do you want to continue this relationship? You need to really search inside for the answer, But here are a few things you might want to look at and consider:
* How long have you been in this relationship. If it is a reasonably new relationship, then this could be a warning as to how your girlfriend really is. If you two have been together for quite a while, then trying to work things out could be worth it.
* Has the basis of your relationship been good. If trust and faithfulness has not been an issue before, and your relationship has been a strong one, then you need to explore why your girlfriend cheated on you. Women cheat for a lot of different reasons then men. And trying to explore the issues behind her cheating can strengthen you relationship, if you let it.
* Is your self image and inner strength strong enough to completely forgive and try to understand why she cheated on you.Your relationship with your girlfriend is over if you can't forgive her. That means never bringing this up down the road when you get upset with her, and trusting her to do whats right when your not around each other. A cheating girlfriend can create a lot of doubt about yourself. Don't let it, know that why she cheated had nothing to do with you as an individual. So try not to internalize it. Step up, find out why it happened, then do what you can to resolve the problems that created it to begin with.
So how do you regain the trust? That's part of getting past infidelity & how to trust your girlfriend after she cheated.
* Women cheat for a variety of reasons. Not feeling loved, not sexually satisfied, feeling like she is being ignored or taken advantage of. Not feeling needed or wanted or sexy. So your first step is to find out why she cheated. Was it any of the reasons above? Then you can solve those issues by finding out what it is you can do to make her feel better and then do them.
* Or maybe she cheated innocently, drank too much and things just happened. If she came to you and admitted she made a mistake and apologizes, then that could mean that it wasn't intended, and it might not have been anything wrong in your relationship with her. It still will leave an affect on you trusting her, and will need to be talked about.
* Forgiving someone who broke you heart is very difficult and trust can take awhile to rebuild. You will need to discuss this with your girlfriend. Let her know how you feel without getting angry and over emotional. Then you will need to sit down together, find out what you can do to improve your relationship. She needs to know that you will feel insecure for awhile. Just remember to give it time, learning to trust your girlfriend is not going to happen overnight. And make sure it is something you really want and take it one day at a time. You will need to be committed to the process and to the relationship. And make sure you do it because you feel it is right for you, not for anyone else.
* If you feel this is something you can't do on your own, then find a therapist or get counseling through your church. Sometimes having someone else there can help you to see things a little clearer. They also provide you with the support and tools you will need to re-establish the trust in your relationship.
Ultimately, You need to explore your relationship if your goal is Getting Past Infidelity - How to Trust My Girlfriend After She Cheated, then you need to follow your heart. If you believe that she deserves a second chance and that you can really give her one, then by all means try to save your relationship. However, if you know deep down that you will never be able to forgive her, then you need to move on from the relationship.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Is Your Girlfriend Sending Signals That Your Not Getting?
So your girl just took off on you and you’re not really sure why. Why do women leave perfectly, or seemingly perfectly, good relationships? Losing someone you’ve been with for awhile is probably the roughest patch of life you’ll go through. You have a big void in you that’s filled with stinging pain and you wonder if you could drag yourself through this nightmare.
Is there a way you can reverse everything you did wrong to get your girl back? Yes, there is, but first you need to honestly evaluate the warning clues that your girl threw out there for you.
Here are 10 warning signs that went over your head:
1. Everything is your fault: Whether if it’s how you wear your pants or what you get at a restaurant, if your ex has been increasingly finding more things to complain about, it’s time to evaluate your situation.
2. Kiss no more: Your ex didn’t want to kiss you as much, wasn’t as enthusiastic or came up with excuses not to kiss, hold your hand or give embraces your touch.
3. She has a more important social life: She hangs out with her girlfriends more, going on girls night out, delaying returning your texts or calls and generally spends less time with you.
5. White lies: You caught your girl lying about her whereabouts more often. She tells you one thing but you find out she’s with her girlfriends or office buddies.
6. Quotes: If she says anything similar to: “Did you meet a new girl?” or “Why don’t you get a backbone?” You’re on your way out. Women usually don’t say what’s on their mind verbally. But in this case, what she’s saying to you is only a cover up of what her real intentions are.
7. Work: You’re doing all of it. Whether it’s you always initiating contact or suggesting going out. It all falls on your shoulders and you don’t understand why she’s not putting in any effort.
8. Glow: Her eyes, voice and body language don’t light up when she sees or hears you. She’s lost that playfulness that you’ve gone used to but is suddenly gone. She’s starting to sound more like a guy friend than someone with romantic interest, and again you don’t know why.
9. Differences: The connection between you and her is fading. She doesn’t laugh at your jokes or likes the same movies like you do. She just seems to be there because she has to.
10. Picture this: She doesn’t have a picture of you as her wallpaper on her cell phone. You’re gone from her Facebook photos and she offers no explanation other than, stop being so insecure.
Whether you chose to ignore these signs or not, love just doesn’t end abruptly. It started months, maybe even years ago, but if you happen to catch it in time, there is still hope.
You need to sharpen your senses for little subtle clues that she warned you about and you will be just fine. Remember, you will notice these things when it’s too late.
So don't wait until it' too late! See how you can repair your relationship with this step-by-step guide That you can get here. And do what it is you need to do to keep your relationship.
This article is from : Secrets To Win Back Girlfriend
Is there a way you can reverse everything you did wrong to get your girl back? Yes, there is, but first you need to honestly evaluate the warning clues that your girl threw out there for you.
Here are 10 warning signs that went over your head:
1. Everything is your fault: Whether if it’s how you wear your pants or what you get at a restaurant, if your ex has been increasingly finding more things to complain about, it’s time to evaluate your situation.
2. Kiss no more: Your ex didn’t want to kiss you as much, wasn’t as enthusiastic or came up with excuses not to kiss, hold your hand or give embraces your touch.
3. She has a more important social life: She hangs out with her girlfriends more, going on girls night out, delaying returning your texts or calls and generally spends less time with you.
5. White lies: You caught your girl lying about her whereabouts more often. She tells you one thing but you find out she’s with her girlfriends or office buddies.
6. Quotes: If she says anything similar to: “Did you meet a new girl?” or “Why don’t you get a backbone?” You’re on your way out. Women usually don’t say what’s on their mind verbally. But in this case, what she’s saying to you is only a cover up of what her real intentions are.
7. Work: You’re doing all of it. Whether it’s you always initiating contact or suggesting going out. It all falls on your shoulders and you don’t understand why she’s not putting in any effort.
8. Glow: Her eyes, voice and body language don’t light up when she sees or hears you. She’s lost that playfulness that you’ve gone used to but is suddenly gone. She’s starting to sound more like a guy friend than someone with romantic interest, and again you don’t know why.
9. Differences: The connection between you and her is fading. She doesn’t laugh at your jokes or likes the same movies like you do. She just seems to be there because she has to.
10. Picture this: She doesn’t have a picture of you as her wallpaper on her cell phone. You’re gone from her Facebook photos and she offers no explanation other than, stop being so insecure.
Whether you chose to ignore these signs or not, love just doesn’t end abruptly. It started months, maybe even years ago, but if you happen to catch it in time, there is still hope.
You need to sharpen your senses for little subtle clues that she warned you about and you will be just fine. Remember, you will notice these things when it’s too late.
So don't wait until it' too late! See how you can repair your relationship with this step-by-step guide That you can get here. And do what it is you need to do to keep your relationship.
This article is from : Secrets To Win Back Girlfriend
girl back,
relationship s,
sending signal
Monday, July 18, 2011
5 Steps You Can Take To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back
Looking for ways to rekindle the relationship with your ex girlfriend? Yes, we know that breakups happen, in fact they happen all the time. Unfortunately, most people just accept the fact that it's over, when deep down inside they wish that it wasn't. If they knew that there were things they could do to get their ex girlfriend back, they probably wouldn't give up so easily. So you are one of the few who aren't willing to just quit. Good for you! Below you will find 5 steps you can take to get your ex girlfriend back.
1. It's very important to still maintain some kind of connection with your ex girlfriend if you want to get her back. So regardless of why you broke up (right now any way) try to make some kind of connection with her. It could be an email or a text asking how she is, and just basically letting her know that your still around and care. Now don't go crazy and be a pest, just an occasional email or text will do for now.
2. Once you have taken the first steps in contacting her, and if she responds, well then you can take the next step. On step 2 your just going to text her or email her a little more often. Maybe even a phone call if she is willing. Don't talk about why you two split up, or about any problems. Just a "Hi, how are you doing?" should be enough to get some conversation going. Try to keep it light, a sense of humor is always good, and letting her know what you have been up to. Once again, don't phone her all the time, just every now and then. But always leave the option open for her to call you if she needs anything, or to just talk.
3. Now that the silence has been broken and you are back on talking terms with her, it might be a good time to invite her out with some friends. Let her know that it isn't a date, just that you do miss her and it would be good to see her. If she isn't ready yet let her know that that's okay, that you understand. But keep the communication going. Once she doesn't feel threatened, (her emotions getting stomped on) she will probably love to see you.
4. During this time of courtship (yes, that's what it is) Do Not, I repeat, Do Not go out with other women. If you really want to get your ex girlfriend back then this is very important. You can go out with the guys, and do what you would normally do, just no other women.
5. When you do get the opportunity to go somewhere with her, Treat Her Like A Princess! Treat her like she is beautiful and you adore her. Show her respect but also show her a good time. Don't put expectations on her, and don't expect her to go home with you. Remember, you are trying to get you ex girlfriend back and that can take time. But if you truly love her, it will be time well spent.
Now that you are back on talking terms and seeing each other, flirt with her a little. Let her know that you are still interested in her.
I hope these 5 steps you can take to get your ex girlfriend back helped you get back into her life. To keep things running smoothly and take things to the next step check out t. Dub Jacksons "The Magic Of Making Up". It will not only get you back into her arms, but will also show you how to keep your relationship strong.
1. It's very important to still maintain some kind of connection with your ex girlfriend if you want to get her back. So regardless of why you broke up (right now any way) try to make some kind of connection with her. It could be an email or a text asking how she is, and just basically letting her know that your still around and care. Now don't go crazy and be a pest, just an occasional email or text will do for now.
2. Once you have taken the first steps in contacting her, and if she responds, well then you can take the next step. On step 2 your just going to text her or email her a little more often. Maybe even a phone call if she is willing. Don't talk about why you two split up, or about any problems. Just a "Hi, how are you doing?" should be enough to get some conversation going. Try to keep it light, a sense of humor is always good, and letting her know what you have been up to. Once again, don't phone her all the time, just every now and then. But always leave the option open for her to call you if she needs anything, or to just talk.
3. Now that the silence has been broken and you are back on talking terms with her, it might be a good time to invite her out with some friends. Let her know that it isn't a date, just that you do miss her and it would be good to see her. If she isn't ready yet let her know that that's okay, that you understand. But keep the communication going. Once she doesn't feel threatened, (her emotions getting stomped on) she will probably love to see you.
4. During this time of courtship (yes, that's what it is) Do Not, I repeat, Do Not go out with other women. If you really want to get your ex girlfriend back then this is very important. You can go out with the guys, and do what you would normally do, just no other women.
5. When you do get the opportunity to go somewhere with her, Treat Her Like A Princess! Treat her like she is beautiful and you adore her. Show her respect but also show her a good time. Don't put expectations on her, and don't expect her to go home with you. Remember, you are trying to get you ex girlfriend back and that can take time. But if you truly love her, it will be time well spent.
Now that you are back on talking terms and seeing each other, flirt with her a little. Let her know that you are still interested in her.
I hope these 5 steps you can take to get your ex girlfriend back helped you get back into her life. To keep things running smoothly and take things to the next step check out t. Dub Jacksons "The Magic Of Making Up". It will not only get you back into her arms, but will also show you how to keep your relationship strong.
7 Steps to Get Your Ex Back If He Has Moved On
If your Ex has moved on and your wondering how to get him back then just follow these 7 steps to get your ex back.
1. Your first step is to try to show him that he really misses you and want to get back with you. But this could be a difficult one, it really depends on why you broke up to begone with. Does he really not want anything to do with you, have you pushed him too far and he is done? Well, lets look at a few options you can take if this is the scenario.
2. One of the best way's to convince him is to just be his friend. How do you do that? by listening to him, not nagging and complaining. Show him that you understand him, and that you can listen without throwing a fit. Rediscover your sense of humor and joke around with him. This will remind him of how it used to be and he may realize that he wants you back again.
3. When he gets to the point where he feels comfortable being around you again and talking to you, then show a little attitude. Let him see some self confidence and a little sass. You want to make him want you, but you also want him to feel that it won't be easy to get you. Playing a little hard to get can make him want you more.
4. While you are playing hard to get also try to get the message out to him that you are available. And make sure that you still go out with friends and have interests in things. A little flirting is fine, a little jealousy on his part is good, but if you want him back make sure that you don't get cozy with anybody else. There is a fine line here, because if he thinks you are with somebody else, he could lose all interest. So even though you may flirt with others, make sure he is aware that you have no interest in them.
5. What ever you do, do not act desperate or needy! You want him to feel that you are fine without him, even though you miss him, and that if this is really how he wants it, then you can be fine with that and that you are willing to move on.
6. And don't hesitate to flirt with him a little. If you notice him looking at him then make sure to look back, with a small smile, that let's him know that you a paying attention to him, but in a kind of "you can't have me" kind of way.
7. When you do get the opportunity to sit and talk with him, don't bring up any of the bad times you had together. Instead bring up the happy moments and the good times you had together. This will remind him of how happy you both were together and how much you both enjoyed each other.
These are just a few of the steps you can take to get your ex back when he has moved on. And they aren't my steps, these are the steps I discovered in "The Magic Of Making Up". And guess what, They Work! So if you need more help with getting your ex back if he has moved on, then you need to check "The Magic Of Making Up" Out. You Can get it Here.
1. Your first step is to try to show him that he really misses you and want to get back with you. But this could be a difficult one, it really depends on why you broke up to begone with. Does he really not want anything to do with you, have you pushed him too far and he is done? Well, lets look at a few options you can take if this is the scenario.
2. One of the best way's to convince him is to just be his friend. How do you do that? by listening to him, not nagging and complaining. Show him that you understand him, and that you can listen without throwing a fit. Rediscover your sense of humor and joke around with him. This will remind him of how it used to be and he may realize that he wants you back again.
3. When he gets to the point where he feels comfortable being around you again and talking to you, then show a little attitude. Let him see some self confidence and a little sass. You want to make him want you, but you also want him to feel that it won't be easy to get you. Playing a little hard to get can make him want you more.
4. While you are playing hard to get also try to get the message out to him that you are available. And make sure that you still go out with friends and have interests in things. A little flirting is fine, a little jealousy on his part is good, but if you want him back make sure that you don't get cozy with anybody else. There is a fine line here, because if he thinks you are with somebody else, he could lose all interest. So even though you may flirt with others, make sure he is aware that you have no interest in them.
5. What ever you do, do not act desperate or needy! You want him to feel that you are fine without him, even though you miss him, and that if this is really how he wants it, then you can be fine with that and that you are willing to move on.
6. And don't hesitate to flirt with him a little. If you notice him looking at him then make sure to look back, with a small smile, that let's him know that you a paying attention to him, but in a kind of "you can't have me" kind of way.
7. When you do get the opportunity to sit and talk with him, don't bring up any of the bad times you had together. Instead bring up the happy moments and the good times you had together. This will remind him of how happy you both were together and how much you both enjoyed each other.
These are just a few of the steps you can take to get your ex back when he has moved on. And they aren't my steps, these are the steps I discovered in "The Magic Of Making Up". And guess what, They Work! So if you need more help with getting your ex back if he has moved on, then you need to check "The Magic Of Making Up" Out. You Can get it Here.
How To Get My Ex back If He Wants More Space
Almost everyone has experienced a powerful relationship in their life, when suddenly everything which seems so perfectly is broken off because your boyfriend wants space. There are a number of different reasons for why a boyfriend may suddenly need space, including family problems, insecurities, or a fear of commitment just to name a few. Here are some tips for answering the age old "how to get my ex back" question if your ex boyfriend needs more space.
- You are not going to want to lose your pride, or to allow him to get the best of you - But clearly you are still in love with him. It may be ideal to play a little bit hard to get at first, in order to show him that yes, it was his loss and not your own.
- If you are feeling like your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you, then it may be ideal for you to strike up a conversation with him. Keep communication to a minimum in order to keep the level of drama to a minimum. Short text messages, brief phone calls and online conversations in passing are all a great way to remind him how much he wants to be a part of your life without overwhelming him with your presence when he may actually want and need space.
- Eventually he will begin to show significant interest in you again if all goes well, and this will give you the chance to truly begin to reminisce with him. Keep in mind that you should focus primarily on all of the good memories associated with your relationship in the past. While rekindling a relationship with your ex boyfriend, you are going to want to stay away from the bad experiences and negative experiences in case they conjure bad feelings and undo your hard work.
- If your boyfriend is not responding to your slow and subtle advances, you need to take it for what it is. Either he just really is not interested in you right now, or he really does just need space and you should give it to him. But if on the other hand he seems to be interested in you more than before, or is slowly warming up to you again, then you should continue gradually advancing on him to rekindle the relationship.
- If your ex boyfriend is giving you the right signals, you can try to open your heart up to him. Let him know how you feel, but avoid looking desperate or needy in the process. If your ex is showing you that he is thinking about rekindling things, then it would be healthy to be open with him. But if his signals are pointing in the other direction, it may be wiser to step back and let things happen more naturally.
If you need more help, its just a click away! You'll find a step-by-stop guide to help you get you ex boyfriend back right here .
- You are not going to want to lose your pride, or to allow him to get the best of you - But clearly you are still in love with him. It may be ideal to play a little bit hard to get at first, in order to show him that yes, it was his loss and not your own.
- If you are feeling like your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you, then it may be ideal for you to strike up a conversation with him. Keep communication to a minimum in order to keep the level of drama to a minimum. Short text messages, brief phone calls and online conversations in passing are all a great way to remind him how much he wants to be a part of your life without overwhelming him with your presence when he may actually want and need space.
- Eventually he will begin to show significant interest in you again if all goes well, and this will give you the chance to truly begin to reminisce with him. Keep in mind that you should focus primarily on all of the good memories associated with your relationship in the past. While rekindling a relationship with your ex boyfriend, you are going to want to stay away from the bad experiences and negative experiences in case they conjure bad feelings and undo your hard work.
- If your boyfriend is not responding to your slow and subtle advances, you need to take it for what it is. Either he just really is not interested in you right now, or he really does just need space and you should give it to him. But if on the other hand he seems to be interested in you more than before, or is slowly warming up to you again, then you should continue gradually advancing on him to rekindle the relationship.
- If your ex boyfriend is giving you the right signals, you can try to open your heart up to him. Let him know how you feel, but avoid looking desperate or needy in the process. If your ex is showing you that he is thinking about rekindling things, then it would be healthy to be open with him. But if his signals are pointing in the other direction, it may be wiser to step back and let things happen more naturally.
If you need more help, its just a click away! You'll find a step-by-stop guide to help you get you ex boyfriend back right here .
I'm Heartbroken! How Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back?
If you've recently broken up, then your probably going through a very tough time right now. I'm sure the only thought you have on your mind is "how can I get my ex boyfriend back!" But don't despair, there are a few things you can do to make the possibility of getting him back better.
The first thing you need to do is to be nice to your ex boyfriend. No yelling, crying, or throwing fits! If you through a fit, or complain, then your just reminding him of why he left in the first place. Calm Down! Otherwise he will avoid you, and you'll never get back with him if he won't see you. Just try to be as nice as you can whenever you are around him, even if you have to pretend.
You might be surprised at his reaction to you being pleasant to him. It will make him wonder why you don't miss him, and it will get his curiosity up.
Maybe your wondering "Can I get my ex boyfriend back if he has a girlfriend?" Well this can be a tough one. Now more then ever you need to be really nice, as his mind is on someone else. But remember, you both have a past together, and that is something I'm sure he is thinking about too. There is no new girlfriend that can take that away, I just hope you had enough good times for him to reflect on. If you were a major nag, then he might prefer to be with his new girlfriend.
You can't change the past, but you can learn from it. Make sure to let him know this, and if there are things that you have done in the relationship that you regret, then make an apology for them, and be sincere about it. Right now what he needs to see is how great you really are, then maybe he will realize how much he really misses you.
If your thinking that you can get him back by being deceptive or jealous, forget it. It will probably just remind him of all the problems both of you had. And anything deceptive will just backfire on you down the road. Making him jealous because you are seeing someone else is just being unfair to the person you are seeing. And if that is something you are doing or plan to do, then it's time to grow up. That will only create unnecessary drama in you life, and theirs. Plus, it won't make any points with your ex boyfriend.
Just be honest! Show him that you are alright, but that you do miss him, that you are sorry for anything that you might have done, and that you are still around. That would be the best way to get your boyfriend back.
If your really serious about "How To Get My Boyfriend back" then you need to really seriously check out T. Dub Jacksons step-by-step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up." It's what helped me and my boyfriend get back together, and the information he shares with you is invaluable. Not only are we more in love then ever, but now we also have the tools to work through the problems we have.
The first thing you need to do is to be nice to your ex boyfriend. No yelling, crying, or throwing fits! If you through a fit, or complain, then your just reminding him of why he left in the first place. Calm Down! Otherwise he will avoid you, and you'll never get back with him if he won't see you. Just try to be as nice as you can whenever you are around him, even if you have to pretend.
You might be surprised at his reaction to you being pleasant to him. It will make him wonder why you don't miss him, and it will get his curiosity up.
Maybe your wondering "Can I get my ex boyfriend back if he has a girlfriend?" Well this can be a tough one. Now more then ever you need to be really nice, as his mind is on someone else. But remember, you both have a past together, and that is something I'm sure he is thinking about too. There is no new girlfriend that can take that away, I just hope you had enough good times for him to reflect on. If you were a major nag, then he might prefer to be with his new girlfriend.
You can't change the past, but you can learn from it. Make sure to let him know this, and if there are things that you have done in the relationship that you regret, then make an apology for them, and be sincere about it. Right now what he needs to see is how great you really are, then maybe he will realize how much he really misses you.
If your thinking that you can get him back by being deceptive or jealous, forget it. It will probably just remind him of all the problems both of you had. And anything deceptive will just backfire on you down the road. Making him jealous because you are seeing someone else is just being unfair to the person you are seeing. And if that is something you are doing or plan to do, then it's time to grow up. That will only create unnecessary drama in you life, and theirs. Plus, it won't make any points with your ex boyfriend.
Just be honest! Show him that you are alright, but that you do miss him, that you are sorry for anything that you might have done, and that you are still around. That would be the best way to get your boyfriend back.
If your really serious about "How To Get My Boyfriend back" then you need to really seriously check out T. Dub Jacksons step-by-step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up." It's what helped me and my boyfriend get back together, and the information he shares with you is invaluable. Not only are we more in love then ever, but now we also have the tools to work through the problems we have.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Has The Passion For Your Relationship Died?
When I started to do some research on "Passion in a Relationship" I was really confused. My initial intention was to learn more about Passion for a relationship, but all the information I ran across linked passion with sex. Not that I don't think sex should not have passion in it, or that couples should not have sexual passion for each other...I feel both is a positive attribute to have in a relationship. It's just that I felt you should have a passion FOR your relationship for it to work, (and if you have passion for your relationship, well then, you will have a passionate sex life- a benefit of having passion for your relationship) and unfortunately I couldn't find anything on that.
So, where is the Passion For Your Relationship? Why isn't there a blaringly common threat on that subject like there is on communication in a relationship.
Maybe it's just me who is confused about the word "Passion". So I immediately went to the dictionary to find the correct meaning. This is what I found:
pas·sion [pash-uhn]
1. any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.
2. strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor.
3. strong sexual desire; lust.
4. an instance or experience of strong love or sexual desire.
5. a person toward whom one feels strong love or sexual desire.
6. a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything: a passion for music.
7. the object of such a fondness or desire: Accuracy became a passion with him.
8. an outburst of strong emotion or feeling: He suddenly broke into a passion of bitter words.
9. violent anger.
10. the state of being acted upon or affected by something external, especially something alien to one's nature or one's customary behavior (contrasted with action).
11. (often initial capital letter) Theology .
a. the sufferings of Christ on the cross or His sufferings subsequent to the Last Supper.
b. the narrative of Christ's sufferings as recorded in the Gospels.
12. Archaic . the sufferings of a martyr.
So what I'm reading is that passion is a strong emotion, that could be love, anger, happiness, etc..... It's us who equate it with love or anger, It' basically "Just A Strong Emotion" about or for something. A passion for singing...A passion for painting....A passion for my relationship. Yeah, that works. So, it's my observation that when most of us get into a relationship with someone, that relationship should start out with a passion.... to be with the other person, to have sex, to have that relationship work out. That is our ultimate goal. To have the relationship work out, to be with that person for a long, long time. That is where the passion starts, and ultimately that is the kind of passion I was looking for.
Here is a quote from John Little Prince that explains Passion to a tee, and notice that the word sex isn't mentioned once.
"What is passion? For most people, the word “passion” refers to that something which they can do with utmost fondness, that something which awakens their inner desires to go beyond typical, that something which drives them to forget that they are alive and causes them to go beyond natural. Passion for some is that something which they truly love with supreme sincerity, that something which allows them to wake up in the morning with something to look forward to, and above all, that something which gives them genuine happiness in their lives. Passion is defined by many things to many people."
"I, however, believe that passion cannot be defined in all its brilliance by mere words. Instead, passion defines."
“Tell me what your passion is, and I’ll tell you who you are.”
-John Little Prince
Now that I have that figured out, and probably bored you in the meantime (sorry) let's get on with the initial question.
Has the Passion for your relationship died? Do you no longer desire it to work? Is everything a drudge, takes too much effort. Do you fantasize about having your own place, someplace where he/she isn't. (that was my fantasy for the longest time!) We'll before you give up completely, lets look at some other options.
Do you know that you Can Get The Passion back? I know that it might sound impossible right now, and maybe your thinking, "why would I possibly want it back?" "Yuck! You can have him/her, cause I'm done!" Well, slow down just a minute here. At one time you "had a Passion for him/her, and for this relationship that your in." Plus, your here so your obviously online looking for a solution. So, lets just take a minute and look at this.
What you need to do it to take a little timeout from everything. Just a little while, because if you want to get this relationship back on track your going to need to do a little work. So, take a little time out and sit back and go back to when your relationship just started out. I want you to go right back there and remember how you felt, all the emotions.
Now I want you to really focus on the feelings of that memory. That feeling is called Passion, passion for this relationship, for that person. That is the feeling we need to bring back.
So how do you start? The first thing I feel you need to do is bring that feeling up every day. Everyday when you get up and look across at that person, remember that feeling.
Second, of course is communication. A long-term marriage or relationship based on compatible friendship with good communication can revive the old courtship days when they are needed. But, unfortunately it's the thing most couples lack.
You both might be filling the same way, but if you won't talk about it then you just sit there and let it eat you up inside.
SO, here are three tips to help you re-open the communication lines:
1. You both need to sit down, not together, and write each other a letter. Talk about what has been bothering, things you might not understand about your partner, how you want things to be, what you miss. The list can go on and on. You don't need to cover all of these topics in one letter, but at least start with one. Try to keep any blaming or negative accusations our of the letter, just express how you feel. Give your letter to your partner, and set up a time for a later date to discuss them.
2. Get together, over coffee or lunch, and discuss the letters. How they made you feel, etc.... once again, don't blame, attack, or feel like your being blamed or attacked. Just listen and acknowledge the other person when they share.
If you have a hard time sharing or discussing things without blowing up, then do this exercise out in a public place. Just remember not to take things personal or get defensive.
3. Try to make this a weekly, or every other day, thing to do. This exercise should open up the communication lines, and get both of you reconnected, which will bring the passion in your relationship back.
Are you ready to save your marriage? Just looking to improve a relationship?Then you might want to check out Save The Marriage, before it's too late for you.
So, where is the Passion For Your Relationship? Why isn't there a blaringly common threat on that subject like there is on communication in a relationship.
Maybe it's just me who is confused about the word "Passion". So I immediately went to the dictionary to find the correct meaning. This is what I found:
pas·sion [pash-uhn]
1. any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.
2. strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor.
3. strong sexual desire; lust.
4. an instance or experience of strong love or sexual desire.
5. a person toward whom one feels strong love or sexual desire.
6. a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything: a passion for music.
7. the object of such a fondness or desire: Accuracy became a passion with him.
8. an outburst of strong emotion or feeling: He suddenly broke into a passion of bitter words.
9. violent anger.
10. the state of being acted upon or affected by something external, especially something alien to one's nature or one's customary behavior (contrasted with action).
11. (often initial capital letter) Theology .
a. the sufferings of Christ on the cross or His sufferings subsequent to the Last Supper.
b. the narrative of Christ's sufferings as recorded in the Gospels.
12. Archaic . the sufferings of a martyr.
So what I'm reading is that passion is a strong emotion, that could be love, anger, happiness, etc..... It's us who equate it with love or anger, It' basically "Just A Strong Emotion" about or for something. A passion for singing...A passion for painting....A passion for my relationship. Yeah, that works. So, it's my observation that when most of us get into a relationship with someone, that relationship should start out with a passion.... to be with the other person, to have sex, to have that relationship work out. That is our ultimate goal. To have the relationship work out, to be with that person for a long, long time. That is where the passion starts, and ultimately that is the kind of passion I was looking for.
Here is a quote from John Little Prince that explains Passion to a tee, and notice that the word sex isn't mentioned once.
"What is passion? For most people, the word “passion” refers to that something which they can do with utmost fondness, that something which awakens their inner desires to go beyond typical, that something which drives them to forget that they are alive and causes them to go beyond natural. Passion for some is that something which they truly love with supreme sincerity, that something which allows them to wake up in the morning with something to look forward to, and above all, that something which gives them genuine happiness in their lives. Passion is defined by many things to many people."
"I, however, believe that passion cannot be defined in all its brilliance by mere words. Instead, passion defines."
“Tell me what your passion is, and I’ll tell you who you are.”
-John Little Prince
Now that I have that figured out, and probably bored you in the meantime (sorry) let's get on with the initial question.
Has the Passion for your relationship died? Do you no longer desire it to work? Is everything a drudge, takes too much effort. Do you fantasize about having your own place, someplace where he/she isn't. (that was my fantasy for the longest time!) We'll before you give up completely, lets look at some other options.
Do you know that you Can Get The Passion back? I know that it might sound impossible right now, and maybe your thinking, "why would I possibly want it back?" "Yuck! You can have him/her, cause I'm done!" Well, slow down just a minute here. At one time you "had a Passion for him/her, and for this relationship that your in." Plus, your here so your obviously online looking for a solution. So, lets just take a minute and look at this.
What you need to do it to take a little timeout from everything. Just a little while, because if you want to get this relationship back on track your going to need to do a little work. So, take a little time out and sit back and go back to when your relationship just started out. I want you to go right back there and remember how you felt, all the emotions.
Now I want you to really focus on the feelings of that memory. That feeling is called Passion, passion for this relationship, for that person. That is the feeling we need to bring back.
So how do you start? The first thing I feel you need to do is bring that feeling up every day. Everyday when you get up and look across at that person, remember that feeling.
Second, of course is communication. A long-term marriage or relationship based on compatible friendship with good communication can revive the old courtship days when they are needed. But, unfortunately it's the thing most couples lack.
You both might be filling the same way, but if you won't talk about it then you just sit there and let it eat you up inside.
SO, here are three tips to help you re-open the communication lines:
1. You both need to sit down, not together, and write each other a letter. Talk about what has been bothering, things you might not understand about your partner, how you want things to be, what you miss. The list can go on and on. You don't need to cover all of these topics in one letter, but at least start with one. Try to keep any blaming or negative accusations our of the letter, just express how you feel. Give your letter to your partner, and set up a time for a later date to discuss them.
2. Get together, over coffee or lunch, and discuss the letters. How they made you feel, etc.... once again, don't blame, attack, or feel like your being blamed or attacked. Just listen and acknowledge the other person when they share.
If you have a hard time sharing or discussing things without blowing up, then do this exercise out in a public place. Just remember not to take things personal or get defensive.
3. Try to make this a weekly, or every other day, thing to do. This exercise should open up the communication lines, and get both of you reconnected, which will bring the passion in your relationship back.
Are you ready to save your marriage? Just looking to improve a relationship?Then you might want to check out Save The Marriage, before it's too late for you.
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